Fishing Methods of Tobi   Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

The fish, hooks, and nets listed under each technique are keyed to a reference chart, the Tobian Fish Chart: A Key to the Fish of Tobi.
Night Fishing
  1. Hapeh Hapeh
  2. Haheh
  3. Haburoh
  4. Fasuwoh Ri Bong
  5. Bauru Bong
  6. Chur
  7. Tahowes
  8. Turumat
  9. Uhorimatau
10. Mungo Pes
11. Hamahiyach
12. Hasaucha
13. Yasoyes
14. Tur
Day Fishing
15. Man Waru Hoch
16. Petchamai
17. Faramwe
18. Firong
19. Bwere
20. Fasuwoh Ri Bwere
21. Fen
22. Fofo
23. Hachaiho
24. Hamar
25. Fatun Bauch
26. Fatun Mahabu
27. Fatun Mungah (also Hasu)
28. Riperiecho
29. Taturamar
30. Harie Chor
31. Tareyar
32. Pahisehe
33. Hairir
34. Tab
35. Biyeu
36. Hatuf Charau
37. Hamaneningat
38. Pahutuhor Yefangi
39. Pahu Pu
40. Tir
41. Tuna Fishing

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Updated: January 19, 2017