Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 38: Pahutuhor Yefangi

For this fishing you need about 200 people, thus it has not been done on Tobi since pre-Japanese times.

When the water is neck deep on the reef the people should line up as shown—
Drawing of method
The people in the north walk toward the south beating the water with sticks. The other people stay in their place until the northerners arrive. Then everyone closes in on a pile of rocks which has been built by the old men in the shape of a Biyeu (see Method 35).

Keep a circle around the rocks until low tide, then the old men catch the fish with their hands. Used to get over 1000 fish.

Catch: Yauh, Chep, Kum, Ruhoruho, Nimi, Rahung, Hausih, Her

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Updated: January 19, 2017