Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 15: Man Waru Hoch
Matias and Esobio also call this fishing Hariyenuhuno

Nemesio, Esobio, Matias

Hook: Fotomahech

Matias and Esobio—fiber or wire

Line: thin cotton; Matias and Esobio—medium cotton
Sinker: a stone used in the same way as Hapeh hapeh (Night Fishing Method #1)
Bait: Richoh, Umen (hermit crab), needle fish, flying fish, tuna.

Bait hook as shown.
   Baited hook

Go any place on the island.

Go past the reef to a depth of 10-30 fathoms—Nemesio; 20-30 fathoms—Matias; 10-20 fathoms—Esobio.

Go on any tide from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., any month.

Catch: Nemesio—only Man waru hoch.  Matias—-Man waru hoch, Harie yuhuno, Bwere, Fasifoo, Ribauh, Hari.

Esobio agrees with Matias and says if you only go out to a depth of 6-8 fathoms, you can catch Harie chor.

Stone must touch bottom.
Pull in on first bite.
Stay in same place.
Make line go up and down—Matias.

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Updated: January 19, 2017