Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 24: Hamar
Nemesio, Esobio, Matias

#3 Hook

Thick wire about 6 inches long

Line: Tuna line or bigger

Hugh, Chep, Hahaf, Tir


Bait hook as shown.
  Baited hook
Go any place around the island from 3 to 6 miles past the reef by 5:00 a.m. on an April or May morning.

Use 20-30 fathoms of line; Esobio—up to 90 fathoms; Matias—30-70 fathoms.

Stay in one place. Esobio and Matias—drift.

Catch: Tangih, Hangap, Tuna, Tahaha

They used to make magic as they crossed the reef to protect themselves from whales, sharks, and bad seas. You still cannot eat, drink, smoke, or touch a woman before you get your bait. You get your bait the night before you go. After gathering your bait you can eat, etc. But the next morning from the time you get up until you come back you cannot eat, etc. Matias says you can’t sing or talk while fishing but Nemesio and Esobio say you can. When you are getting your canoe out be sure that no woman walks in front of it.

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Updated: January 19, 2017