Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 28: Riperiecho
Matias and Esobio

tiny Fahum #1 Hook:  Fahum
or tiny Haufong #7 Hook:  Haufong


Line: Use 6-10 fathoms of line; Esobio—4-6 fathoms.
Sinker: Small stone sinker
Bait: Very soft young coconut meat

Go at any time in a bright spring day on any tide.
   Map of location
Matias says to go to #2; Esobio says to go to #1.

You use extra bait, shake it off with the stone. Stay in one place.

Catch: Riperiecho and other small reef fish.

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Updated: January 19, 2017