Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 21: Fen
Nemesio, Esobio, Matias

Net:  Fen
Line: Coconut about 60 fathoms; Esobio—40-50 fathoms
Bait: Tuna, flying fish
Hook: Do not use a hook.

Any place around the island.
Any time during the day, month, or tide.

Drop net until it touches reef then pull up about 6 feet.
This is a very difficult method. Most men don’t master it until they are old.
Sometimes you get 50 fish in the net and they break it.
You usually catch about 10 fish.

Catch: Bwere [Matias—no Bwere!], Bupare, Buwar, Buhachechi

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Updated: January 18, 2017