Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 36: Hatuf Charau

Yawariyet (#3). He has none.
Hook:  Yawariyet

Use an 18-foot bamboo pole.

Leader: Fiber
Line: Thin cotton, 18 inches longer than pole
Bait: Umen (hermit crab) or Rihosobu

Go any place around the island. Low tide. Cloudy day. Stand on edge.

Catch: Charau only.
Drawing of technique

If you use a little bigger equipment and stand a little father out, you call it Hatuf Rahung and you catch Rahung. Stand at Point 1 for Hatuf Charau and at Point 2 for Hatuf Rahung.

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Updated: January 19, 2017