Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Night Fishing Method 10: Mungo Pes

Matias and Esobio

Small Fahum (#1d) Hook:  Fahum

Small cotton

Sinker: None
Pole: 12 foot bamboo. Esobio—only 6 feet
Bait: either feather like Haheh (#2) or Umen (hermit crab)

Go south of the channel between the two cement pillars—about 20 feet past reef.
Esobio—same as Hapeh hapeh (#1). Best time of year is in April with no moon on either tide.

Catch: Mor only.

Take a palm frond torch.
Anchor the canoe and light torch.
When you hear the fish jumping, cast.
Pull in line by quick easy jerks.

Custom says that you cannot talk or sing when doing Mungo pes.

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Updated: January 19, 2017