Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Night Fishing Method 3
: Haburoh
Nemesio, Matias, Esobio

# 2a. Hook:  Ramatiho    
Matias—# Ic
Hook:  Fahum
Line: Tuna line cotton. Esobio—use a line a little smaller
Sinker: None
Bait: Tuna, Flying Fish, Needle Fish

Bait hook as shown letting point show.  
Baited hook

Go to a place without current.
Go about 10 fathoms past the reef.
Use about 30 fathoms of line.

Go on a moon-less, cloud-less night, on any tide, after 8:00 p.m.
Matias—after 9:00 p.m.

Catch: Mos. Rahung, Hausi, Tangitenginam, Hafiro, big Hari, Warorum, Mam [Esobio & Nemesio—no Mam], Ich raro, Habau, Bauch [Matias & Esobio—no Bauch],Yeb

Do not let hook touch bottom.
This fishing is like Hapeh hapeh (Night Fishing Method # 1).

Matias says to move your line up and down. Esobio and Nemesio say to keep it still.

Before you throw in your line, drop over extra bait, watch for fish, then throw in your hook.

Esobio tells of another Haburoh in which you use a hook # 5c and nylon leader as shown. You use a stone as in Hapeh hapeh but you go with no moon.


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Updated: January 19, 2017