Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 16: Petchamai
Matias and Esobio call this fishing Bub

Nemesio, Esobio, Matias

Haufong (#7)
Hook:  Haufong

Nemesio and Matias—#7b
Hook:  Haufong
Hook:  Haufong

Rami fiber, Nemesio—none

Sinker: Stone tied on the same way as in Hapeh hapeh (Night Fishing Method #1).
Line: Thin cotton line about 10 feet long
Bait: Flying fish or tuna

Bait hook as shown.
Esobio—also tie on a little extra bait that will fall off with the stone.

Go anywhere around the island 2 or 3 fathoms past the reef, on any tide, in the spring from 6:00 a.m. until noon.

Catch: Petchamai. Matias and Esobio say that if you use a bigger hook, you can catch Faramwe.

Drop line to within 3 feet of reef—you should be able to set your hook.
Use only a little bait. Petchamai has a very small mouth.
He is also very smart; if you miss him once you will never catch him.

You don’t feel him biting the hook—just a very faint pull.
You must concentrate very hard.

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Updated: January 19, 2017