Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Night Fishing Method 6: Chur

Nemesio, Esobio, and Matias.

Use a hook smaller than #5c.
Matias—#7a with no feather.
Hook:  Haufong
Line: Little smaller than Bauru bong (Night Fishing Method #5)
Leader: Use thin wire leader about 1 foot long. Matias—none.
Bait: Umenor (fish)

Bait hook as shown.Baited hook


Go at very low tide to within 6 feet of the water.
Use the same pole as Bauru bong (Night Fishing Method #5). Esobio—shorter, about 10 feet.
Go at the same time as Bauru bong (Night Fishing Method #5).
Go to a smooth part of the reef.
Any quarter of the moon.

Catch: Mor [Matias—no Mor], Ritetifach, Hari, Her, Hugh

Stand 6 feet from the edge of the reef, cast into shallow water holding pole the same way as Bauru bong (Night Fishing Method #5).

The difference between Chur (Night Fishing Method #6) and Bauru bong (Night Fishing Method #5)—
Drawing of Bauru bong

For Chur, stand at Point 1 and cast to Point 2.  For Bauru bong, stand at Point 2 and cast to Point 3.

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Updated: January 18, 2017