Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Night Fishing Method 11: Hamahiyach

Matias and Esobio

Matias #1c
Hook:  Fahum
Esobio #2a
Hook:  Ramatiho

Tuna line 10 fathoms. Esobio—6-7 fathoms.

Sinker: No sinker.
Leader: Cotton. Esobio—fiber.
Bait: Flying fish.

Go at night from 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. [Esobio—from 2:00 - 4:00 a.m.] when the currents are as shown.

Matias says to go on the rough water about ½ mile out (marked as (1)).
Esobio says to go in the smooth water of the Northern current.
Matias says any time of year.
Esobio says in Spring.

Map of currents

Catch: Yetam, Yeb [Esobio—no Yeb!], Tengitenginam [Esobio—no Tengitenginam!]

First you throw in some extra bait.
When you see the fish coming put in your hook.
If you miss one fish you won’t get any at all.
The people would make magic to keep away sharks.

No one has done Hamahiyach since Japanese times.

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Updated: January 19, 2017