Fishing Lore of Tobi. Peter W. Black 1968, 2017

Day Fishing Method 22: Fofo

Hauro tapi. Nemesio has none.


Line: Medium cotton.  Use 8-30 fathom line.
Sinker: 2-pound stone
Bait: Tuna—use extra

Go in March, April, and May from 6:00 to 11:00 a.m. on any tide.
Catch: Fofo, Mamuchih.   
(Mamuchih always travels with Fofo. You catch him with a very small Haufong.)      

Bait hook as shown:
Baited hook
Hook for Mamuchih actual size:
Hook for Mamuchih

You can never use Fofo for bait; nor can you boil it—you have to bake it.
If you break this law no one will ever catch Fofo on Tobi again.

When Nemesio was in Angaur after the war together with Pius, Patricio, Matias, and Esobio, the Navy asked them to provide fish. In doing this, they taught the people of Angaur how to fish for Fofo.

Any man who figures he has enough bait can start. He will go about 600 feet past the reef and observe the currents. If currents are towards the reef, he will go 300 yards farther out. He then tosses out a lot of bait and goes back to shore. He repeats this early every morning for about one week until he sees the fish coming. Then he starts to fish. The first fish he catches he throws back. He will keep the rest. The next day everybody comes to fish for the Fofo in that place. The Fofo that was thrown back the day before will lead the rest of the school to the bait but he won’t take any more himself.

This is a very fast method. In two hours you can get 100 fish.

Drawing of location

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Updated: January 19, 2017