T - t
taam noun. father. Source: Nemecio Andrew 2012. Note: Nemecio said that taam and sir are very old words, old language and no longer used. See: iautehi mar; tamai; tamatam. Category: Kin Terms.
taar noun. viscera. Audio & source: Isauro Andrew 2009. For further information: see No. 55 of Quackenbush Word List. Category: Health & Body Parts.
tab noun. Day Fishing Method 34. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tabaka Variant spelling tabaca. noun. tobacco. Borrowed from: English (tobacco). Variant source: Marcus Hangaripaii, 2013
tabariuahaong name: old Tobian proper name.
tabe verb. to follow. Source: J. Ellis, 2013.
tabi noun. wooden bowl. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.See: ierap; togoutol; tabi ig; tabi a iauar; tabi e segav. Note: For many more images and descriptions of bowls that the Thilenius Expedition made, see Friends of Tobi Island: Ifiri Mosuwe; Ifiri Doitch.
Bowl of breadfruit wood. Height 7 cm; measure at high point 30x35 cm; bottom 11x15; Hollowed our breadfruit wood bowl Length 35 cm; width 21 cm; height 8-1/2 cm; Breadfruit wood bowl. Height 8 cm; length 28.5 cm; width 18.5 cm.
tabi a iauar noun. Breadfruit wood dish with pouring spout. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.159.See: tabi; tabi ig; tabi e segav.
tabi a iauar. Height 4 cm; diameter 16 cm; bottom diameter 10 cm.
tabi e segav noun. triangular bowl of breadfruit wood. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p. 159.See: tabi; tabi ig; tabi a iauar.
tabi e segav. Short side 25 cm; diameter 26 cm.
tabi ig noun. fish bowl of breadfruit wood. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.159. See: tabi.
Old fish bowl of breadfruit wood, tabi ig. 46 cm long; 16 cm wide; handle 3, 5 cm; bottom 13x42 cm; height 4 cm.
tabi meri uor noun. breadfruit box for fishhooks. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.168.See: tabi; ierap; togoutol; tabi ig; tabi a iauar; tabi e segav.
Breadfruit box for fishooks, tabi meri uor. Length 15 cm; height 10 cm; width 9.7 cm.
tabi ren noun. bowl for turmeric. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.See: tabi ig; tabi a iauar; tabi e segav; tabi; tabi ua ieirai.
tabi ren. Length 73 cm; width 32 cm; height 22 cm;bottom 37x24.
tabi ua ieirai noun. bowl. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.See: tabi ig; tabi a iauar; tabi e segav; tabi ren; tabi.
tabi ua ieirai. Length 83 cm; width 17 cm; height 10 cm.
tabung noun. mistake. Source: Paulina Theodore 2015.
tabur'rah eek'ah noun. tree trunk. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. See: tsapinu. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment Category: Plants & Trees.
tafahaf verb. to cut up.
Etafa pahur fitiho. He cut up some meat. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
tafataf noun. clam. Note: the small giant clam Source: David Sapio 2001. See: Tridacna maxima. Category: Sea Creatures.
hie. tafataf [Photo: reefcorner.com].
tafei noun. floor purlins. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
tafei noun. medicine: botanical. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts.
tafei ri moh Variant spelling taferi moh. noun. devil's horsewhip (herb). Source: Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2004. Preliminary list of plants commonly mentioned by Tobians as being medicinal (Aunchalee Loscalzo 2005). achyranthes aspera L. (amaranthaceae). For further information: Fourteen Medicinal Recipes from Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Category: Plants & Trees, Health & Body Parts.
tafei ri moh.
tagach noun. coconut shell. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.Category: Plants & Trees.
Drilled out coconut shell. [Tübingen University ethnographic collection description: Inventarnummer A10] [Tobi Island Collection, Tübingen University Sammlung des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Tübingen. All images and information reproduced here with kind permission of the ethnographic collection, Tübingen University. Photographs by Barbara W. Black, May 2007].
tagag noun. arm bracelet of coconut. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
tagak noun. cooking pot; dish. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: patu; pirin; mangöu.
tagaki Variant spelling tayaki. noun. rear apron for young girls' clothing. Source: Augustin and Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.140.14/Dec/2016.
twined coconut strands.
tagakitsim a mar noun. skull. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
tagari faifil Variant spelling tafari faifil. noun. pregnancy belt. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: unebego; tagari faivil.
tagari faifil. Sketch by E. Kramer.
tagari faivil noun. mothering girdle worn after birth. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: unebego; tagari faifil. 09/Dec/2016.
tagasik noun. kingfisher. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Birds. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tageri pog noun. back of hand. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
tagets noun. forestay; aft stay. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter W. Black 2004). Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.
tagita megarat burp. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
tah noun. loin cloth. Audio and source: Justin Andrew 2010; Sisma Andrew 2013. Note: See Tobi Mats & Fabrics on FOTI for discussion of loin cloths. For further information: see No. 321 of Quackenbush Word List.
taha noun. wire leader. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahabech noun. romohparuh's father. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahaha noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahahu noun. coconut shell; bowl. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; David Sapio 2001. Category: Plants & Trees. For further information: see No. 477 of Quackenbush Word List.
tahahuraf noun. radio: ham radio. Borrowed from: English: telegraph. Source: Justin Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
tahama tip intelligent. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tahebor noun. first lunar month. Audio and source: Justin Andrew 2004. Category: Calendar.
tahech noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahowes noun. Night Fishing Method 7. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahuh noun. buttocks.
Eyamir tahuhunaur. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Note: tahuh is also the polite word for hapi (hip). See: hapi; haap. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 45 of Quackenbush Word List.
tahuh Variant spelling tahuhu. noun. back. Source: David Sapio 2001; audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. For further information: see No. 45 of Quackenbush Word List. Category: Health & Body Parts.
tahuh mar pain in the lower back; back pain; painful urination. Source: Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006). Category: Health & Body Parts.
tahuhah Variant spelling tahuhahai; tahuhahi. noun. Pacific blue marlin. Source: Peter W. Black 1968; variant and identification: David Sapio's Tobian Fish Names. See: yar. acanthocybium solandri. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahuhfa noun. system of moistening coconut frond while building canoe. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004. Category: Canoes, Plants & Trees. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahuhhyuts noun. threadfin mojarra; whipfin silver-biddy. Source: David Sapio.gerres filamentosus. Category: Sea Creatures.
tahuhhyuts [Photo: J.E. Randall, Fishbase].
tahumahu noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tahun round; circle.
Etahun mena ewor itonae. The lump is round. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; Sisma Andrew 2013. For further information: see No. 519 of Quackenbush Word List. 23/Jan/2015.
tahuu Variant spelling taho. noun. tuna: yellowfin; Day Fishing Method 41. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; variant: David Sapio. Category: Sea Creatures, Fishing. thunnus albacares. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). For further information: see No. 490 of Quackenbush Word List.
tahuu warf pur noun. tuna. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tai not. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tai uisi noun. enemy. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Conflict.
taihape name: old Tobian proper name.
taiiu Variant spelling taiii. noun. tattoo utensils: hammers, some with richly carved handles. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p. 146. See: arid.
taimi verb. to sharpen. Note: There is a choice of words between kangi and taimi. See: kangi. For further information: see No. 226 of Quackenbush Word List.
taimoh bad. Audio: Sisma Andrew 2014.
taing not admitted to the hospital. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006. Category: Health & Body Parts. See: ruing.
taiyaho noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tam noun. outrigger. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). See: dam. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). For further information: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter W. Black 2004).
Isauro and outrigger [Photo: Peter W. Black 2004]; Tobi outrigger and knots [Sketch by E. Kramer 1908-1910].
tamai Variant spelling temai. kin term: my father. Audio, source and variant: Sisma Andrew 2006; variant: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Note: Father can be papa or tamai For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: tamatam; taam; iautehi mar; . Category: Kin Terms. 24/Jan/2015.
tamam kin term: your father. Note: By extension, tamam can mean your parents. Source: Sisma Andrew 2013. See: tamatam. Category: Kin Terms.
tamariwa noun. canoe part: outrigger float. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. Category: Canoes. For further information: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter W. Black 2004). For further information: see No. 431 of Quackenbush Word List.
tamasari verb. to not like. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tamasun mai not [prefix]. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. For further information: see No. 571 of Quackenbush Word List.
tamatam noun. kin term: father.
Metamam erie rabut. Your father killed a snake. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See: tamai; taam; iautehi mar. Category: Kin Terms.
tamatamai kin term: my father's father. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006. Category: Kin Terms.
tamatsemesirats noun. kin term: parents. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Kin Terms.
tamau bad; sin. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009; Justin Andrew 2014. Huferiri tamau. ... a great sin. For further information: see No. 124 of Quackenbush Word List. 23/Jan/2015.
tamaur matau rough sea. Category: Nature. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tameyangeyar name: old Tobian proper name.
tamor noun. chief. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: tamori ri faruh; tomonu; heimong. Category: Chiefly Business. For further information: see No. 397 of Quackenbush Word List.
tamori ri faruh chief of the island. Source: David Sapio 2001. See: tamor. Category: Chiefly Business.
tamori ri wafaruh noun. captain: ship captain. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tamori risukul noun. principal. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tamuch Variant spelling tamuts. noun. firewood.
Fefirakarae hepuroh tamuch. The women are tying up the firewood. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; variant: David Sapio 2001. See: fafie.
tanamas noun. dynamite. Source: Justin Andrew 2016.
tangaik noun. large basket. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
tangakir penance. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.
tangih noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tangitenginam noun. fish. Audio: Justin Andrew. Note: Black notes that tangitenginam is a mature chep. See: chep. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Category: Sea Creatures.
tangutang verb. to smell it. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew. For further information: see No. 67 of Quackenbush Word List.
tao far.
Etao ma itere. He is far from here. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Location. For further information: see No. 302 of Quackenbush Word List.
tap Variant spelling lekutabar. noun. cheek. tap Source: David Sapio 2001; audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009; variant: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 43 of Quackenbush Word List.
tapa verb. to say.
Tamam etapa ba hotowei bahuh. Your father said, "don't dance!"
Itohongohong ma hotopa. I cannot hear what you say.
Itapa ba etwasi chapachapari hubei. I said my feet hurt. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2010. See: soh. For further information: see No. 190 of Quackenbush Word List.
tapaho noun. woven mat; fish. Audio and source: Justin Andrew 2006. Note: More photographs of Tobi mats can be found at Tobi Island Collection, Tübingen University [http://www.friendsoftobi.org/misc/tubingenmuseumobjects.html] Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: see No. 320 of Quackenbush Word List. See also: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tapaho [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2007].
tapangi verb. to help; to help him. Source: Isauro Andrew 2009. For further information: see No. 316 of Quackenbush Word List.
tapaugh noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tapekang noun. squirrelfish. Holocentridae: Myripristis sp.. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft). Tobian Fish List: F0047.
taperoch noun. nape of neck. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
tapie noun. plate. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. See: perait; pereit. For further information: see No. 417 of Quackenbush Word List.
tar verb. to dream. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: see No. 166 of Quackenbush Word List.
tar noun. intestines. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
Echuh ba sibe hekene tari marurae. We could see all the animal's intestines. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 166 of Quackenbush Word List.
tarachab noun. fish. Audio: Justin Andrew. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tarapar old, big. Source: David Sapio 2001. See: ireh; bes; rehiri; urehir; habah.
tarapar tamau sin: major sin (lit. big bad). Source: Lorenso Simeon 2014.
tareyar noun. Day Fishing Method 31; fish. Category: Fishing, Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tari noun. climbing line to the attic entry hole. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
tari Variant spelling tar. noun. large rope.
tari Emoch yach tari. Our rope is short. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; Nemecio Andrew 2012; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: see No. 284 of Quackenbush Word List. Category: Fishing. 23/Jan/2015.
tarifer to tattoo. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
taring Variant spelling tering; teringerai. noun. ear.
Eheihehi ruhur taringar. He is scratching behind his ear. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009; 2nd variant: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: pungutering. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 103 of Quackenbush Word List.
taringugnut meta ngurut noun. headache; catarrh; cough; Source: Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
taru noun. water. Source: Hans Hellwig, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. See: tsar; charubech; tati. Category: Nature. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tat Variant spelling rimoton. noun. jellyfish. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Sea Creatures. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tatag noun. belt. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: koroyes.
tatahar im noun. summer house (covered outside house); house: summer house. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tatahbur (mor) Variant spelling tatah bur. noun. squirrelfish. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii. Variant: Peter W. Black. Note: Johannes notes this is an unidentified species with two or three dark vertical bands. Tatahbur means like a belt. Holocentridae:. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft). See Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0039.
tati Variant spelling tat; dät. noun. water: salt water; sea: the sea; ocean.
tati Audio: Isauro Andrew; Nemecio Andrew 2012; source: Sebastian Marino 2004; David Sapio 2001. Variants: Augustin Krämer, Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. See: siyeri matau; matawa; matau; . Category: Nature. For further information: see Nos. 294, 295 of Quackenbush Word List. See also: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tativoharah quadrature: squaring a circle. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
taturamar noun. Day Fishing Method 29. See: fen er mahipihip. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
taua noun. place: named plot of land on Tobi Island. Source: Tobi Island: Fourteen house owners of 1908-1910 recorded by members of the Thilenius Expedition. Category: Location.
taum Variant spelling samorungo nn im. noun. hanging wooden frame with phallic posts found in women's house, imeripar. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p. 100.
tausu noun. porcupine fish. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: see No. 485 of Quackenbush Word List.
tauta noun. sixth lunar month. Audio and source: Justin Andrew 2004. Category: Calendar.
tauteh verb. to come up. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tavach Variant spelling tafach. noun. flowering plant in caper family; garlic pear. Source: Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2004. Source: Preliminary list of plants commonly mentioned by Tobians as being medicinal (Aunchalee Loscalzo 2005). Note: In Micronesia, also know as apuch, abich, etc.crateva speciosa volkens, crateva religiosa G. forst.. Category: Plants & Trees, Health & Body Parts.
tawasi verb. to hurt. Source: David Sapio 2001. See: hamatah.
tawasi noun. hand brush. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tawasi noun. wound. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
Etawas paur. He has a wound on his arm. See: hamatah. Category: Health & Body Parts.
tebar noun. table. Borrowed from: English: table. Source: Justin Andrew 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
teberiha noun. stick.
Ipeitara me yai teberiha nitao sewa. I threw my stick a long way. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. For further information: see No. 343 of Quackenbush Word List.
teberika Variant spelling täräpä. noun. tree (general term). Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910; variant: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition. See: chirihet; hoor. Category: Plants & Trees. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tebeseke noun. iron blade. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.
teet Variant spelling iat. noun. bamboo net needle and netting stick. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.193. Category: Fishing. 09/Dec/2016.
iat: bamboo net needle and netting stick, 18 cm long, 12 cm wide.
tefich verb. to hunt.
Hemour bira tefich koko. They went to hunt chickens. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
tefitef noun. boxfish; box; fishing: tackle box. Source: Cia John, Justin Andrew, Peter W. Black 2016. Note: For more images of tackle boxes, see the Tobi Island Collection, Tübingen University on FOTI website. See: bah.Ostracion cubicu. Category: Sea Creatures, Fishing.
tefitef. Source: fishchannel.com. tefitef. Photo: Barbara W. Black, 2000.
teg noun. loom. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.
tegak noun. toy canoe. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.
Tegak: (1) 117 cm long, 9 cm high, 5 c wide; (2) poplar wood mast, 86 cm long, 5 cm wide, 8 cm high.
tehenuroi noun. fetereheng's son. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
teifou new.
Iwasa makasfei e eteifou. I washed my new clothes. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009. For further information: see No. 122 of Quackenbush Word List.
teihamaari easy. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew. For further information: see No. 131 of Quackenbush Word List.
teikeh unhappy. Source: David Sapio 2001.
teimoh not good. Audio and source: Sebastian Marino 2004.
teinau bad to the taste.
Eteinau iheye. This fish tastes bad. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
teiyaue noun. saddleback grouper. Source: David Sapio's Tobian Fish Names. plectropomus laevis. Category: Sea Creatures.
tema sirei noun. kin term: maternal grandfather. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Kin Terms.
tema temei noun. kin term: paternal grandfather. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Kin Terms.
temei See: tamai.
temitem men scraping canoes while fishing. Source and audio: Sisma Andrew 2013. Note: another noise men make
terah Variant spelling teruh; taruh. not fast or quick; slow not fast. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: chawachaw. For further information: see No. 120 of Quackenbush Word List.
terahemoh name: old Tobian proper name.
tere noun. adze (large). Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2010; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Note: Tere is a big adze, usually used for canoes or for general work. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: topoi; tererifing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
terehemoho name: old Tobian proper name.
terenginarowo ancient; time: very long time ago, long long way back. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Note: The o is very light. For further information: see No. 125 of Quackenbush Word List.
tererifing noun. adze with a movable head. See: tere; topoi. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
Adze with movable head hafted by Patricio in 1968 [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2000].
teri noun. meat or fish to eat. See: teriyehi. Category: Food. For further information: Dialogue About Two Words for Eating: mangau and hochoch. Isauro Andrew and Peter Black, Koror, Palau, 2006.
terimegan noun. taro type. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Plants & Trees.
tering See: taring.
teriyehi noun. meat or fish to eat. See: teri. Category: Food. For further information: Dialogue About Two Words for Eating: mangau and hochoch. Isauro Andrew and Peter Black, Koror, Palau, 2006.
tetei Variant spelling fasifes; garamal aus iagoma. verb. to weave; to sew; to sew it.
tetei Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; variants: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: see Nos. 315, 325 of Quackenbush Word List.
Weavers. [Photo: A. Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910] [Photograph of this plate by Barbara W. Black, with kind permission of the ethnographic collection, Tübingen University. Sammlung des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Tübingen].
teteng Variant spelling tetengi. verb. to cry; to weep.
Eteteng ba sin ewoutu. He is crying because his mother hit him. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009. For further information: see No. 71 of Quackenbush Word List.
teter noun. leatherback (doublespotted queenfish). Audio: Justin Andrew. Source: Peter W. Black 1968; David Sapio.Scomberoides lysan (Forsskål, 1775). Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
teter [Photo: J.E. Randall, Fishbase].
tewari pasuohung noun. fish: halfbeak (?); good eating. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii. Note: Tewari pasuohung means good eating, loosely, according to Johannes. Johannes gives the family name in Tobian as fra. See: fra. Hemirhamphidae. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft). See Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0032.
tewas something (anything) broken. Source: Justin Andrew. See: etewas.
teyte re heb razor shave: beard. Borrowed from: English: razor. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Borrowed Words.
teyte ri yau noun. toothbrush. Source: David Sapio 2001.
teziz iri ga touci noun. ratcatcher. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.174. See: hachechih.
tianuru noun. drinking water. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
tibi noun. tuberculosis. Borrowed from: English: TB. Source: Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006. Category: Health & Body Parts, Borrowed Words. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
tignaro to squeeze taro into bowl. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Plants & Trees.
tihii noun. scrubber. Source: Justin Andrew 2016.
tihong compromise: ask questions of all parties to a dispute. Source: Peter W. Black 1999: A vocabulary of resource use and conflict. Category: Conflict.
tingi verb. to push it. Audio and source: Nemecio Andrew 2012. For further information: see No. 283 of Quackenbush Word List.
tip noun. feeling; emotion. Source: David Sapio 2001. For further information: see No. 209 of Quackenbush Word List.
tipafengen verb. to cooperate. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Category: Conflict.
tipahiri verb. to desire.
Etipahiri feifir. He desires a woman. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
tipari verb. to want.
Etiperitut mangau. He wants some food. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew.
tipeipe inside feelings. Audio: Sisma Andrew 2014. See: tiperi.
tiperi verb. to want.
Etiperi tut moangau. He wants some food.
Emoh tipei. I'm happy.
Ita peri. I like it.
Itetipari. I don't like it. Source and audio: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2010; Sisma Andrew 2014. See: tipeipe; mwasari. For further information: see No. 209 of Quackenbush Word List.
tipeuwer honest. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tir noun. fish; Day Fishing Method 40. tiriwe the fish we know. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Sea Creatures, Fishing. See Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tirangahi something hard broken (plate). Source and audio: Sisma Andrew 2013.
tireriyou noun. black-tipped silver belly; slenderspine mojarra. Source: Peter W. Black 1968; David Sapio.Gerres oyena (Forsskål, 1775). Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tireriyou [Photo: A. Ryanskiy, Fishbase].
tiretir verb. to split.
Etirang pahur tamuch. He split some firewood. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2010; Nemecio Andrew 2012. For further information: see No. 222 of Quackenbush Word List.
tirewe noun. the fish (tir) we know. Note: we is one of three noun endings. For more information see Vocabulary: Noun Endings Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
tiribub noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tirihan noun. herrings. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii. Note: Tirihan (meaning small bait fish) is a small schooling fish that periodically appears outside the reef at Tobi. Judging from its description, it is a herring with rather large scales.Clupeidae. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft). For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0015.
tirimee noun. mullet: [unidentified mullet]. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii. See: Muglidae: ?. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft). For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0022. Category: Sea Creatures. 24/Jan/2015.
tiriyaw Variant spelling mata ri yau. noun. lip. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009; variant: David Sapio 2001. See: mata ri yau. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 35 of Quackenbush Word List.
tirosehe gossip. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: habauhach; yawasahihe. Category: Conflict.
tirotamau noun. seventh lunar month. Audio and source: Justin H. Andrew 2004. See: tukumar. Category: Calendar.
tirumat noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tit noun. house wall. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
titi verb. to push.
Hobe tingi nga epongutuh. When you push him, he falls. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
titinap and [connecting clauses]. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. For further information: see No. 570 of Quackenbush Word List.
titira verb. to speak. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009; Example: Tanya Yangilmau Patris 2015. Towai titiri. Don't talk. See: raam; titiro. Compare Nos. 191, 197of Quackenbush Word List.
titiripin Variant spelling atit; soaries. noun. wall: rafters. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
titiro verb. to talk. Source: David Sapio 2001. See: hafainiyaua; habwobwu; raam; titira.
tiwafas nine: counting round things. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiwau nine: counting long things. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiwefiye nine: counting uncountable. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiweih Variant spelling teweih. ninety: base counting. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See: fisih; warih. For further information: see No. 537 of Quackenbush Word List. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiwer verb. to want; to choose. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2010. For further information: see No. 210 of Quackenbush Word List.
tiwobong nine: counting time. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiwochau nine: counting flat things. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiwomar Variant spelling tiwomaru. nine: counting people and creatures. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
Tiwomar heriweich. Nine children.
tiwomar Category: Counting & Numbers. For further information: see No. 548 of Quackenbush Word List.
tiwopa nine: counting groups. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiwopou nine: counting pieces. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.
tiwouo Variant spelling tiwou. nine: base counting. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; variant: David Sapio 2001. Category: Counting & Numbers. For further information: see No. 528 of Quackenbush Word List.
to preposition. from (place).
Efeifinae ehachaichito ma retet. She is running from the lagoon. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
tobotoborchil aches and swelling of joints; arthritis. Source: Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
tobur noun. blade of paddle. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.
tochuba iemoch Variant spelling tagaki. noun. rear apron of women's clothing. Source: Augustin and Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: umipani bagasai uarigat. 14/Dec/2016.
toforofor very crooked (twisted like an s), many curves. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: kau. For further information: see No. 118 of Quackenbush Word List.
togoutol noun. small wooden bowl. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: tabi; ierap.
toh noun. clam; giant clamshell.
Topoie efauhuyehi ma ifir pour toh. This adze is made from giant clamshell. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.Category: Sea Creatures.
toh [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2014]. [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2007].
tohoroh verb. to fade away.
tomar youoh unkind (bad behavior). Source: David Sapio 2001.
tomau bad. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tomau tipar sad. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tomonu noun. chief; leader. Source: J. Ellis 2013. See: tamor.
tongutong Variant spelling tangutang. verb. to smell; to sniff.
Pirisikaye hetongu bour fitiho. The dogs smelled the meat. Audio and source: isauro Andrew 2006, 2009.
tooh noun. color. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew. Category: Colors. For further information: see No. 133 of Quackenbush Word List.
topoi noun. adze (small). Note: Topoi, the small adze, is carried on a shoulder. Audio & source: Isauro Andrew 2010. See: tere; tererifing. For further information: see No. 214 of Quackenbush Word List.
topoi [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2007].
tor noun. fish: flying fish. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Compare Krämer's use of tor for torch. See: pouchor; pouchor mangah; hon; mangah; paumeheng; pauhacha.
tor noun. torch. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Compare Krämer's use of tor for flying fish. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.
torachihei name: old Tobian proper name.
torarahichar name: old Tobian proper name.
torongaraheng name: old Tobian proper name.
toropa much. Source: J. Ellis 2013.
tororo noun. flower, blossom. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Plants & Trees. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
torout noun. stout emperor fish. Source: David Sapio. gymnocranius sp.. Category: Sea Creatures.
toroyafer name: old Tobian proper name.
tot a little. Source: David Sapio 2001.
totirim noun. roof thatching needle made of notched hibiscus wood. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p. 187.See: toutou.
totohwar noun. turtle hunt method. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
totoru noun. roof: side. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
totu muri noun. coconut: raw nut. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Plants & Trees, Food.
touh verb. to stab; to touch. Audio and source: Nemecio Andrew 2012; Isauro Andrew. For further information: see No. 239 of Quackenbush Word List.
touh point to light a fire; to point; to poke. Borrowed from: English: to point. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Borrowed Words. See: habura.
touhat noun. afternoon.
tour Variant spelling too. noun. canoe part: thwart. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004, 2014. For further information: Canoe Parts (Peter W. Black, Isauro Andrew 2004). Category: Canoes.
tour [Photo: Peter W. Black 2004].
toutou noun. roof thatching needle of wood. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: totirim. 09/Dec/2016.
Toutou made out of whalebone by Felix Andrew, 1969. [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2016].
toutub Variant spelling toutob. noun. religious regulations and ritual (especially of the pre-Christian era). Source: Peter W. Black 1999: A vocabulary of resource use and conflict. See: watoutub. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
towai not.
Hotowai teteng. Do not cry. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
trioarifar noun. lip: lower lip. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: tiriyaw. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
trioarivor noun. lip: upper lip. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: tiriyaw. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
tsa noun. short outrigger crosspiece above the pontoon. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: iganot. For further information: Canoe Parts (Peter W. Black, Isauro Andrew 2004). Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.
tsani hafatafata noun. water for rinsing. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsani uwanu coconut water. Source: David Sapio 2001. See: yator. Category: Plants & Trees, Food.
tsapi ri pau noun. upper arm. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Health & Body Parts.
tsapinu noun. tree trunk. Source: David Sapio 2001. See: tabur'rah eek'ah. Category: Plants & Trees.
tsar Variant spelling tsav; dare. noun. well. Source: Paul Hambruch and Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: see No. 293 of Quackenbush Word List. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tsar Variant spelling char. noun. water: fresh; baby: newborn.
Harie taot char. Give him some water. Audio and source: Sebastian Marino 2004; Isauro Andrew 2006; Nemecio Andrew 2012; Tracy Marcello, 2013. Source: Augustin Krämer, Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. See: charubech; tati; täru. Category: Nature, Food.
tsaruwai friend (girlfriend, boyfriend, playmate). Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsau noun. soup. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Food.
tser noun. bone; fish: bone. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Sea Creatures, Fishing. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tsiep noun. prophecy. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.
tsihi verb. to dip. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsiketsik noun. ornaments for ear. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
tsil noun. bamboo. Source: Horatio Hale's Vocabulary of the Dialect of Tobi via Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. See: baubou; sheeb. Category: Plants & Trees.
tsim head. See: chim.
tsingen verb. to sing. Borrowed from: English: sing. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Borrowed Words. See: chinger; mauhari.
tsingenir noun. songs: contemporary music. Borrowed from: English: sing. Source: Charley Patris 2014. Category: Borrowed Words. See: maughar.
tsingiri iklesia Variant spelling tsingeri iklesia. noun. song: religious song. Borrowed from: English: sing; Spanish: eclesiástico. Source: Domiciano Andrew 2014. Category: Borrowed Words.
tsivogar noun. fish gills. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Sea Creatures, Fishing. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
tso noun. ripe coconut (brown). Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Plants & Trees.
tso romorom noun. brown mature coconut whose meat has turned into a hard ball that knocks around inside when the nut is shaken. Source: Justin Andrew 2015. Category: Plants & Trees.
tsob noun. mat. Source: David Sapio 2001; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.See: matsi.
Tobi Island Collection, Tübingen University, Sammlung des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Tübingen. All images and information reproduced here with kind permission of the ethnographic collection, Tübingen University. Photographs by Barbara W. Black, May 2007.
tsog noun. basket. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
tsoh only; just. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsori person of . . . Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsori noun. sandal. Borrowed from: Japanese: zori. Source: Dex Haperitar Emilio, 2013.
tsori hesiye person of judgment. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsori ri stowah noun. storekeeper. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsori seres noun. farmer. Source: David Sapio 2001.
tsoriba noun. small lattice between canoe hull and lengthwise outrigger brace. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter W. Black 2004). 09/Dec/2016.
tsormaheng name: old Tobian proper name.
tsororimetar noun. eye: iris. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
tsow noun. coconut: meat of a ripe coconut. Source: Justin Andrew 2015. Category: Plants & Trees, Food.
tsufangani things together (a collection). Source: Paulina Theodore 2014. See: fangan.
tsuhuri still. Source: J. Ellis 2013.
tuburo verb. to sink. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. For further information: see No. 305 of Quackenbush Word List.
tugutavei noun. medicine man. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts.
tuh Variant spelling tuuh. noun. vagina.
Faifinae ehamuir tuhar. She is washing her vagina. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 90 of Quackenbush Word List.
tuh descriptor: intensity descriptor. Source: Justin H. Andrew 2006.
tuhumari noun. crustacean: reef crustacean like a sea cucumber. Note: it crawls out and if you step on it, it feels like suction. Source: Justin Andrew 2015. Category: Sea Creatures.
tuhutuh verb. to wrap something flat. Audio and source: Nemecio Andrew 2012. For further information: see No. 287 of Quackenbush Word List.
tukang name: old Tobian proper name.
tukumar noun. seventh lunar month. Source: R.E. Johannes, Words of the Lagoon: Fishing and Marine Lore in the Palau District of Micronesia (1981). See: tirotamau. Category: Calendar.
tumuch noun. third lunar month. Audio and source: Justin H. Andrew 2004. Category: Calendar.
tumucho noun. sweet potato. Source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Source: Preliminary list of plants commonly mentioned by Tobians as being medicinal (Aunchalee Loscalzo 2005). See: esum tumucho; hachap. ipomoea batatas. Category: Plants & Trees, Food, Health & Body Parts.
tumur noun. sprout. Source: Marcus Hangaripaii 2015. See: sieboro. Category: Plants & Trees.
tungo noun. wheel. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.164. See: bay.
tuou noun. old coconut nut. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Plants & Trees.
tur noun. Night Fishing Method 14. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
turumat noun. Night Fishing Method 8. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
tut Variant spelling tuut. noun. breast.
Eyamiir tutur. She is washing her breast. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 62 of Quackenbush Word List.
tutu verb. to wash a person; to bathe; to baptize.
Feifinae etutu retet. She is washing herself in the lagoon. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; Nemecio Andrew 2012. Note: Nemecio says this word is used for bathing yourself. See: was; hatutu. For further information: see No. 259 of Quackenbush Word List.
tutu ritet verb. to swim. Source: David Sapio 2001.
two tumur noun. coconut: ripe coconut with sprout. Source: Marcus Hangaripaii 2015. Category: Plants & Trees.
tzirik noun. turtleshell spatula; wood spatula. Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
Turtle shell spatula.
Wood spatula. [Tobi Island Collection, Tübingen University, Sammlung des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Tübingen. All images and information reproduced here with kind permission of the ethnographic collection, Tübingen University. Photographs by Barbara W. Black, May 2007.]