C - c
capirou name: old Tobian proper name.
caranx noun. jacks; trevallies; kingfishers. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Carangidae caranx. Category: Sea Creatures. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
cha adjective. warm; hot. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See: betsingar; bech.
cha Variant spelling chaa; tsa. noun. blood; fever.
Echar yam hasih. There is blood on your spear. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, Aunchalee Loscalzo 2006, Justin Andrew; variant: David Sapio 2001. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006). See No. 17 of Quackenbush Word List.
chaburut noun. rain, heavy rain. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Nature.
chachab blind. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew. Category: Health & Body Parts. See No. 17 of Quackenbush Word List.
chachangahi noun. hammock. Source: Tekla Emilio 2013. See: haurour.
chahaihahob name: old Tobian proper name.
chahaiporuh name: old Tobian proper name.
chahaitir name: old Tobian proper name.
chahoyeri noun. purple parrotfish. Source: Justin Andrew 2015. Category: Sea Creatures.
chamauri noun. carrying stick. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See: dug.
chameteri Variant spelling hameteheri. muscle aches and pain. Audio and variant: Justin Andrew. See: baochuch; hameteh. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
chanifach name: old Tobian proper name.
chanifacharipa name: old Tobian proper name.
chanimoh name: old Tobian proper name.
chapachapari hub Variant spelling chapachaparihuub. noun. foot.
Erap chapachapari huubar. He has big feet. Audio, source and variant: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009. Category: Health & Body Parts. See No. 10 of Quackenbush Word List.
chapirihub noun. thigh.
Ewoutu chapirihubar. He hit him on the thigh. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009. Category: Health & Body Parts. See No. 13 of Quackenbush Word List.
char Variant spelling tsar. noun. water: fresh.
Harie taot char. Give him some water. Audio: Isauro Andrew 2006. Source: Sebastian Marino 2004, Isauro Andrew 2006. Variant: Nemecio Andrew 2012. Category: Nature, Food. See No. 295 of Quackenbush Word List.
charau noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
charau a rahung noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
charau wari piemahat noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
charauwari hameremere noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
charhehis noun. stream.
Epeitarong yar bieu renicharhehis. He throws (away) a fishing trap into the stream. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Nature. 06/Nov/2014.
charubech noun. coffee; hot water. Source: Peter W. Black 2015. See: kofie. Category: Food.
chau noun. breadfruit leaf kite (used in Day Fishing Method 23). Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
chauchihi narrow. Audio & source: Isauro Andrew. See No. 102 of Quackenbush Word List.
chaumari noun. carrying stick. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Note: Krämer notes that chaumari is made from dug. See: dug. 09/Dec/2016.
chaurap adjective. wide.
Echaurap yenae. The road is wide. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009. See No. 116 of Quackenbush Word List. 06/Nov/2014.
chawachaw late to come or not fast. Audio, source, and variant: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: terah. Note: terah means not fast. Chawachaw (sounds like chow a chow) means slow as in late to come or not fast. See No. 120 of Quackenbush Word List.
chee noun. canoe part: a brace that goes toward the hull, underneath the outrigger. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004. Category: Canoes.
For further information: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter Black 2004). See also Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
Chee [Photo: Peter W. Black 2004].
chehe name: old Tobian proper name.
chehei Variant spelling tsahai; tsekai; tsägai; tserai. noun. egg. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; variant: David Sapio 2001. Variants: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910 (tsekai); Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910 (tsägai); Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910 (tserai).
Ehocha pahur chehei. He ate some eggs. Category: Food. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. See also: No. 408 of Quackenbush Word List.
chenapai name: old Tobian proper name.
chenifats name: old Tobian proper name.
chenimat noun. tear. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Category: Health & Body Parts. See No. 408 of Quackenbush Word List.
cheniyongochihi yellow. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Category: Colors. See No. 139 of Quackenbush Word List.
chentut noun. milk. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Category: Food. See No. 63 of Quackenbush Word List.
cheob noun. goatee. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
cheoba noun. mustache. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
chep noun. fish. Audio and source: Justin Andrew. See: rahung; nimi; yatam; yeb. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
cheri noun. velvetleaf soldier brush; tree heliotrope. Source: Preliminary list of plants commonly mentioned by Tobians as being medicinal (Aunchalee Loscalzo 2005). tournefortia argentea (boraginaceae). Category: Plants & Trees, Health & Body Parts.
cheu noun. net: dip net. Note: There are four kinds of cheu: cheu turumat, cheu mangah, cheu ru hou, cheu tir.Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
Tracing of cheu turumat [Peter W. Black 1968].
cheu bu noun. net. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
cheu mangah noun. net: dip net used for Day Fishing Method 41. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). 07/Nov/2014.
cheu ru hou noun. net: dip net used for Day Fishing Method 40. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). 07/Nov/2014.
chi Variant spelling chil; chir. noun. bone.
Mar eyaunap chir. The animal has large bones.
chir Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009. Variant and audio: Justin Andrew. See: finchingerichil. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006). See also No. 54 of Quackenbush Word List.
chicken box noun. chicken pox. Borrowed from: English: chicken pox. Source: Justin H. Andrew 2016. Category: Health & Body Parts, Borrowed Words. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
chifen noun. blade that swings in and out. Source: Justin H. Andrew 2016. See: chifanife.
chihechihehang name: old Tobian proper name.
chiheihi name: old Tobian proper name.
chiheiyou name: old Tobian proper name.
chim Variant spelling chimh; tsim; chiim; tsimai. noun. head.
Erap chimar nga eyarai uuhar. He has a big head and long neck. Audio, source and variant: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2009; variant and audio: Justin Andrew; variant and source: David Sapio 2001; 4th variant: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Health & Body Parts. See: hapi tsim. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
chimata verb. to wake up. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew. For further information: see No. 164 of Quackenbush Word List.
chimesogi Variant spelling chimoso; chimosou. noun. squirrelfish. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii. Variant: Marcus Hangaripaii; Peter W. Black. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).
chimiebur bald. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Category: Health & Body Parts. See: bur. For further information: see No. 164 of Quackenbush Word List.
chimobasuhu name: old Tobian proper name.
chimorim noun. roof. Source: Peter W. Black 2016. Note: literally, head of the house See: eas.
chimosou (mor) Variant spelling chimesogi (Johannes); chimoso (Marcus Hangaripaii). noun. squirrelfish. Source: Peter W. Black 1968; audio: Marcus Hangaripaii. Holocentridae: Holocentrus sp.. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft). See also Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0043 26/Jul/2016.
chingeer noun. song. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Note: Isauro says this is a modern word.
chingi bat very low tide. Category: Nature. See Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
chingi chingi low tide. See: echingichi; nichingiching. Category: Nature. See Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
chirfariya Variant spelling chirfariyau. noun. breast; rib. Source: Aunchalee Loscalzo 2006. Variant: Justin Andrew 2006. Note: Justin Andrew believes the variant is correct since chirfariyau means rib. See: chirfariyau. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
chirfariyau noun. rib. Source: Justin Andrew 2006. See: chirfariya. Category: Health & Body Parts.
chirihet noun. tree.
Chirihetira erap ra esu nihehepari charurae. There is a big tree near the stream. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See: hoor; teberika. Category: Plants & Trees. For further information: see No. 341 of Quackenbush Word List.
chirpoucha name: old Tobian proper name.
chiver noun. metal. Borrowed from: English (chisel). Source: Justin H. Andrew, 2013.
chohomoh name: old Tobian proper name.
chohuhumar for the weight of two people. Audio: Sisma Andrew 2014.
chohurei name: old Tobian proper name.
choramaheng name: old Tobian proper name.
choriyong noun. turmeric plant. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. Note: It appears that members of the Thilenius Expedition borrowed the Palauan word for turmeric, reng, and used it on Tobi Island for turmeric.See: hangari; heng. Category: Plants & Trees, Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 472 of Quackenbush Word List.
Turmeric plant [Photo: turmericforhealth.com].
chorngeheng name: old Tobian proper name.
choromeheng name: old Tobian proper name.
chorwai my friend. Source and audio: Sisma Andrew 2013.
chou heavy. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: chou. 26/Jul/2016.
chuhameitere get out of here. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004. See: chuhameitona.
chuhameitona get out of there. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004. See: chuhameitere.
chuheribout noun. fish. Audio & source: Justin Andrew 2006. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
chuhur mangau noun. stomach. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 56 of Quackenbush Word List; see also No. 49.
chur noun. Night Fishing Method 6. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
chutafarang noun. basket. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2014.
cifena verb. to fold. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2010. Note: cifena means fold; can be used with paper. See: cifenknife. For further information: see No. 213 of Quackenbush Word List.
cifenknife Variant spelling chifanife. noun. pocket knife. Borrowed from: English: knife. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew; Justin Andrew 2016. Note: Justin says that chifanife is a borrowed and modified word that describes "pocket knife." Chifen is the Tobian word for something that swings in and out like this blade. See: cifena. For further information: see No. 213 of Quackenbush Word List.
coco Variant spelling gogo; goga. verb. to hatch; chicken. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. Variants: Augustin Krämer, Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. See: hayang; koko. Category: Land Creatures, Food. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. See also No. 412 of Quackenbush Word List.
Chicken [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2014].
cuperi Variant spelling cupeti. verb. to look for. Source: Peter W. Black 2014. See: cupeti.
cuperiwar noun. turtle hunt method. See: wor; woar. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
cupeti Variant spelling cuperi. verb. to look for. Source: Peter W. Black 2014. See: cuperi.