K - k
kabure noun. copra. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. For further information: see No. 480 of Quackenbush Word List.
kaferment noun. government. Borrowed from: English: government. Source: Justin Andrew 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
kafernor noun. governor. Borrowed from: English: governor. Source: Justin Andrew, 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
kahau verb. to scratch.
Piris ekahaut boar. The dog is scratching the ground. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
kalabus noun. prison. Borrowed from: Spanish: calabozo: dungeon. Source: Peter W. Black 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
kamara noun. miracle. Source: J. Ellis 2013.
kangi verb. to sharpen. Note: There is a choice of words between kangi and taimi. See: taimi. For further information: see No. 226 of Quackenbush Word List.
kangitsir noun. thorn. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Plants & Trees. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kapoot finished. Borrowed from: German: kaput. Source: Peter W. Black 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
kapun noun. leader. Borrowed from: English: captain. Source: Peter W. Black 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
karabau noun. cow. Borrowed from: English: cow. Source: Justin Andrew 2013. Category: Land Creatures, Food, Borrowed Words.
karaiseng noun. railroad tracks. Borrowed from: Japanese: Source: Justin Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
karo noun. cart. Borrowed from: Indonesian or Malay. Note: This word was used when older Tobians talked about the railway carts that were used on Tobi during the Japanese time when phosphate was mined. Source: Justin Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
kasino movie. Borrowed from: Japanese: katsudou: activity. Source: Sabino Sakarias 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
kasinoma noun. cancer (malignant tumor). Borrowed from: English: carcinoma. Source: Justin Andrew 2016. Category: Health & Body Parts, Borrowed Words. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
kasomari funny; amusing. Source: David Sapio 2001.
kat noun. binding yarn. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
katem noun. scissors. Borrowed from: Indonesian or Malay. Source: Justin Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
katemat curse word. Borrowed from: English: goddammit. Source: Marcus Hangaripaii 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
katkateri gatam noun. door lock. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
katsudo noun. movie. Borrowed from: Japanese: action, activity. Source: Marcus Hangaripaii 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
katzefas noun. fertilizer plantation. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
kau verb. to learn. Source: David Sapio 2001.
kau crooked, not straight. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: toforofor. For further information: see No. 118 of Quackenbush Word List.
kawawa verb. to boil. Source: Paulina Theodore 2015. Note: Paulina used this term in the Hamarete story. See: habech charubech; kuawa; moru waa us.
keake noun. file. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.
keh happy. Source: David Sapio 2001.
keingah noun. bird: black noddy. Source: Dominic Emilio, Francis Victor 2000. Anous minutus. Category: Birds.
keingah. [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2015.]
keresia noun. church. Borrowed from: Spanish. Audio & source: Paulina Theodore 2004.See: iglesia. For further information: see No. 399 of Quackenbush Word List.
Corind Ngiralbong at Echang church, May 31, 2014 [Photo: Barbara W. Black].
kien Variant spelling hin. noun. tree bark. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910; variant: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition. Category: Plants & Trees. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kimeian greeting. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.
kiri noun. amoebic dysentery. Source: Justin Andrew. Note: Justin uses this spelling because the meaning of kiri is the level of intensity of something. See: ekeri. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: Tobian Illness Terms, Appendix A to Dissertation (Aunchalee E. Loscalzo 2006).
kiri noun. fruit. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Plants & Trees. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kiri descriptor of level of intensity. Source: Justin Andrew 2006.
kirifoi Variant spelling silivo. noun. thespesia populnea. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. thespesia populnea. Category: Plants & Trees. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kirigay Variant spelling hirihah. noun. bird: brown noddy. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Variant: Hans Hellwig, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. See: hirihah. anous stolidus. Category: Birds. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kirigay [Source: www.Audubon.org]
kirin noun. bird: Pacific golden plover. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. pluvialis fulva. Category: Birds. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kirio noun. ficus. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.ficus benjamina. Category: Plants & Trees. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kiris fat. Borrowed from: English (Crisco).
Erap kiriseri marurae. This animal has a lot of fat. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Justin H. Andrew 2016. See: wii; batai. Category: Borrowed Words. For further information: see No. 419 of Quackenbush Word List.
kobahnoo'uk noun. name: old Tobian proper name. Note: This name was recorded by Horace Holden in 1834 and is found in Eilers where she recounts his story as part of the history of Tobi. This name was a daughter of the family with which Holden lived. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1. For further information, see Horace Holden, 1836 A Narrative of the Shipwreck, Captivity and Sufferings of Horace Holden and Benjamin H. Nute. Boston: Russell, Shattuck. Reprinted 1975. Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press. http://www.friendsoftobi.org/tobithenandnow/ifiriingris.htm#horaceholden.
kobaw'ut noun. name: old Tobian proper name. Note: This name was recorded by Horace Holden in 1834 and is found in Eilers where she recounts his story as part of the history of Tobi. This name was a daughter of the family with which Holden lived. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1. For further information, see Horace Holden, 1836 A Narrative of the Shipwreck, Captivity and Sufferings of Horace Holden and Benjamin H. Nute. Boston: Russell, Shattuck. Reprinted 1975. Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press. http://www.friendsoftobi.org/tobithenandnow/ifiriingris.htm#horaceholden.
kochowo noun. a lie. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2010. For further information: see No. 199 of Quackenbush Word List.
koferment noun. government. Source: Huan Hosei 2005.
kofie noun. coffee. Borrowed from: English (coffee). Source: Marcus Hangaripaii, 2013. See: charubech. Category: Food.
koharu noun. cockroach. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Land Creatures. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kohorian See: miri. Category: Birds.
koko Variant spelling coco. noun. chicken. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Note: Justin H. Andrew thinks this word probably came from the chicken's sound. Category: Land Creatures, Food. See: hayang; coco; imeri koko. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
koko [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2014}.
kokoriang noun. bird: barn swallow. Source: Dominic Emilio, Francis Victor 2000.Hirundo rustica. Category: Birds.
kokorun noun. beetle. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Land Creatures. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kom noun. comb. Borrowed from: English: comb. Source: Sabino Sakarias, 2013. See also kom: corn.
Decorated wooden combs. [Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.]
kom noun. corn. Borrowed from: English (corn). Source: Justin H. Andrew, 2013. See also kom: comb. Category: Plants & Trees, Food.
komeng sorry: I'm sorry; sorry. Borrowed from: Japanese (gomen). Source: Justin H. Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
kona noun. soap: powdered soap. Source: David Sapio 2001.
kook verb. to cook. Borrowed from: English: cook. Source: Justin H. Andrew 2016. See: bomuri sagam; cook rice; kuk. Category: Borrowed Words.
koorooma noun. cart. Borrowed from: Japanese: kuruma: car. Source: Justin Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
kop noun. cup. Borrowed from: English. Source: Isauro Andrew; David Sapio 2001. Category: Borrowed Words.
korok noun. clock. Borrowed from: English: clock. Source: Justin H. Andrew 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
koroyes noun. belt. Source: Justin Andrew 2016. See: tatag.
kotoragei noun. festival. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.
kotsou Variant spelling katsow; kotso. lie; to lie. Source: David Sapio 2001; variant: Paulina Theodore 2015.
kristiano christian. Borrowed from: Spanish: cristiano: christian. Source: Sabino Sakarias 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
kruegu noun. toenail. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.
ku noun. nail: finger, toe nail. Source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: kuripa. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 8 of Quackenbush Word List.
kuawa Variant spelling kuaua. boiled. Source: Paulina Theodore 2015. Note: Paulina said this term was invented by people telling the story of Hamarete and may be derived from moru waa us, meaning cooked. See: moru waa us; kawawa; habech charubech.
kuh noun. Fishing Method: netting fish at night; fishing. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
kuk verb. to bite (not eat); to cook.
Piris ehusu heriweich. The dog bit the child. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See: husuu; kook.
kum noun. bluespine unicornfish. Borrowed from: Palauan: chum. Peter W. Black 1968; David Sapio's Tobian Fish Names. Note: David Sapio says that some think that if you eat this fish, it will help you hold your breath and dive deeper when spearfishing. Category: Sea Creatures. See: naso unicornis. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).
kuou masirap Variant spelling sauiefen. noun. annually. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. See: seu masirap; masirap; jaato. Category: Calendar. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.
kup Variant spelling gup. verb. to look for; to search.
Ekupeti yar uwasei. He is looking for his knife. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006, 2010. For further information: see No. 202 of Quackenbush Word List.
kuperi fauhumir ma hanahahir research and reference. Audio & source: Isauro Andrew.
kuras noun. mirror; glass. Borrowed from: English (glass). Source: Justin H. Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.
kuripa noun. fingernail. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See: ku. Category: Health & Body Parts. For further information: see No. 8 of Quackenbush Word List.
kurus noun. cross; man who does women's tasks. Spanish: cruzar: Source: Justin Andrew, 2014; Sabino Sakarias, 2014. Category: Borrowed Words.
kurutip sad (non-crying).
Ekuru tiperi feifinae ba emes raur. She is sad because her child is dead. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.
kutmen good man. Borrowed from: English: good man. Source: Julita Lorenzo 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.
kuu dull. Audio & source: Nemecio Andrew 2012. For further information: see No. 110 of Quackenbush Word List.