R - r

ra   preposition. toward; noun ending: the one already referred to. Feifinae ehachaichira retet. She is running toward the lagoon. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew.

raam   voice; speech; language; to speak. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2010. See:  titira; titiro.  For further information: see Nos. 191, 197 of Quackenbush Word List.

raap   Variant spelling erap. big. Source and audio: Isauro Andrew. Ehochohoch fasura erap itonae. There is a big black stone over there.  For further information: see No. 117 of Quackenbush Word List.

rabatut   Variant spelling dääu. noun. wave. Source: Augustin Krämer, Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. See:  nunda; yahu; roraparap. Category: Nature.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment

rabut   noun. eel; snake. Rabut ma ewor wor fatirirae. There is a snake in the grass. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; Marcus Hangaripaii. Note: Rabut is the general name for all eels and also sea snakes.Category: Sea Creatures, Land Creatures. Anguilliformes.   For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  See also: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0010.  See also: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the EnvironmentSee No. 491 of Quackenbush Word List.


rabut bech   noun. white (predominantly) eel. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii.Category: Sea Creatures. anguilliformes.  For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  See also: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F001202/Jan/2015.

 rabut bech.

rabut sangi   noun. mixed colored eels. Note: Eels of mottled or mixed colors are called rabut sangi. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii.Category: Sea Creatures. anguilliformes.  For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  See also: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0013.  02/Jan/2015.

 rabut sangi.

rabut touchor   noun. black (predominantly) eels. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii.Anguilliformes. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  See also: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968). Tobian Fish List: F0011.  02/Jan/2015.

 rabut touchor.

rabutotsor   noun. eel: moray eel. Source: David Sapio.Muraenidae. Category: Sea Creatures.


rachio   noun. radio. Borrowed from: English (radio). Source: Justin H. Andrew 2013. Category: Borrowed Words.

rae   person at some distance from the listener. Source: Isauro Andrew.

raes   noun. rice. Borrowed from: English. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Food.

rag   noun. sea gull. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910; Peter W. Black, 1968. Category: Birds.

rahung   noun. mature chep; bluefin trevally. Audio and source: Justin Andrew; Sisma Andrew 2013; David Sapio's Tobian Fish Names. See:  chep; nimi. Category: Sea Creatures. caranx melampygus.  For further information: see No. 483 of Quackenbush Word List (crevalle).  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

rai   pronoun. my: my own child. Note: You might or might not add hariweich. This usage is true of any of the living things you might own. It is heavily context dependent if referring to anything other than your child. See:  yai. 02/Jan/2015.

rai hariweich   kin term: my child. Note: Some nouns show possession by endings; others you use a pronoun: rai is a pronoun. You might use rai hariweich to mean my child for more emphasis or to be more definitive. Category: Kin Terms.

rai hariweich mar   my kid.

raifeifir   Variant spelling rai faivil. noun. kin term: daughter. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Note: Raifeifir (rai, my and feifir, female) is used only with a living thing. If the son (or daughter) in question is a child in age or the child of a child, the word hariweich would be included as an adjective. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Kin Terms.

raimar   noun. kin term: son. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Note: Raimar (rai, my and mar, male) is used only with a living thing. If the son (or daughter) in question is a child in age or the child of a child, the word hariweich would be included as an adjective. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Kin Terms. 02/Jan/2015.

rair   Other words: batsik, rauri koko. noun. chick. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Land Creatures.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.

raita   noun. lighter (for fire). Borrowed from: English (lighter). Source: Justin H. Andrew 2016. Category: Borrowed Words.

raitet   noun. day fishing. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ramachah   noun. rumor. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See:  ruhuh. Category: Conflict.

ramaram   noun. hole. Source: Isauro Andrew 2010. Note: Ramaram is a hole in the table but not all the way through; ngaat is a hole with a bottom. See:  ngaat.  For further information: see No. 188 of Quackenbush Word List.

ramari   Variant spelling rama. noun. speech; language. ramari hatohobei language of Hatohobei. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew.

ramari faruh   noun. speech of the island (lit.) Source: Peter W. Black 2014.

ramari hatohobei   noun. language of Hatohobei. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew.

ramari hatohobei mena   this is Tobian.

ramaribout   noun. hook: top smaller than bottom with fong.  See:  yau yohar hauboch; hauru fasuwo. Category: Fishing.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

Tracing of ramaribout [Peter W. Black 1968]. Tracing of Nemesio's ramaribout: yau yohar hauboch [Peter W. Black 1968]. Tracing of Matias's ramaribout: hauru fasuwo [Peter W. Black 1968].

ramariforuh   noun. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Note: If you are not in Tobi, ramariforuh (sudden a) means the island language. It also means my language and that is understood to be Ramari Hatohobei because I am from Tobi. For further information: see No. 189 of Quackenbush Word List.

ramasuh   noun. hook: Matias's fahum. See:  fahum. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ramatiho   noun. hook: bottom smaller than top, point round.See:  hau ri firong; haur fasuwih; suheriyong. Category: Fishing.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

Tracing of ramatiho [Peter W. Black 1968]. Tracing of Nemesio's ramatiho: hau ri firong [Peter W. Black 1968]. Tracing of Nemesio's ramatiho: haur fasuwih [Peter W. Black 1968]. Tracing of Esobio's ramatiho: suheriyong [Peter W. Black 1968].

ramibout   noun. hook. Category: Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ramohparuhe    See:  romohparuh.

ramu   Variant spelling raum; ram. noun. mosquito. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; variant raum: David Sapio 2001. Variant ram: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Land Creatures. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  For further information: see No. 507 of Quackenbush Word List.

ran   noun. heaven; sky. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. See:  weireng; rangi; yauhari. Category: Nature.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. 

rangerifot   noun. fog over forest or thicket. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. Category: Nature.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. 

rangi   noun. sky. Source: David Sapio 2001. See:  yauhari; ran. 

rangit   noun. coral (a genus of stony corals). Audio & source: Sisma Andrew 2013; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. madrepore. Category: Nature, Sea Creatures.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.   For further information: see No. 372 of Quackenbush Word List.

ranieretirotsovet   noun. place name: Tobi Island. An abandoned settlement on the west and north of Tobi Island recorded by Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, Category: Location.

ranipases   noun. channel; harbor. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013.  For further information: see No. 362 of Quackenbush Word List.

ranirogi   noun. place name: Tobi Island. An abandoned settlement on the south east of Tobi Island recorded by Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, Category: Location.

rao   Variant spelling pungunau. noun. wave: breaker. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. Category: Nature.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. 

rapa   big. Source: David Sapio 2001.

rapa ri tip   patient. Source: David Sapio 2001.

rapar   noun. size.

rar   pronoun. his. Rar hariweich His child.

rari faruh   communal creatures. Source: Domiciano Andrew, 2014. Note: Here, Domiciano was talking about the first pigs on the island that were treated communally.

rariworong   noun. lionfish; tree: tree from which medicine is made to treat lionfish stings. Audio: Justin Andrew. Category: Sea Creatures, Plants & Trees. scorpaenidae pterois.  For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  Tobian Fish List: F0050.

rarowo   Variant spelling rarou; raroo. yesterday. Source: Isauro Andrew 2009; Audio and variant: Nemecio Andrew 2012; variant: David Sapio 2001. Note: rarowo has a very light final o. Category: Calendar.  For further information: see No. 269 of Quackenbush Word List.

rasir   noun. bow: hunting. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

rasuhomoho   name: old Tobian proper name.

rau   noun. beach. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. See:  pie; pieri; votsimarinam; pi. Category: Nature.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. 

raughamar   noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

raum   pronoun. your. raum hariweich your children. See:  yam.

raum hariweich   kin term: children: your children, your child. Category: Kin Terms.

raur bisi   noun. kin term: child of same sex sibling. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2014. Category: Kin Terms.

raur meyengi   noun. kin term: child of opposite sex sibling. Source: Isauro Andrew 2014. See:  mayangang. Category: Kin Terms.

raurfeifir   noun. kin term: niece: daughter of brother. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006. Category: Kin Terms.

raurmar   Variant spelling faurmar; rauinei. noun. kin term: nephew, son of brother. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006; 2nd variant: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Kin Terms.

rauroupepa   verb. to read. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Note: There is no word for read; rawyrew is a newer word made up to be clear about, for example, reading paper—rawyrew papa.  For further information: see No. 173 of Quackenbush Word List.

rebotel   noun. Micronesian apple. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.  See:  fariyub.   eugenia. Category: Plants & Trees.   For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. 


reemangengae   noun. snake eel. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii. Note: Reemangengae comes from words meaning black, crooked, and stripes. Reemangengae. Ophichthidae. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).  For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  Tobian Fish List: F0014.

reguri   Variant spelling rehiri. old (aged). Source: Isauro Andrew, Peter Black 2009; variant: David Sapio. Reguri feifir. Old lady. Ireh feifir. Old lady. See:  rehiri; bes; ireh; .

reitepir   name: old Tobian proper name.

remeh weribisi ma hatohobei   friends of Tobi Island. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew.

rengit   noun. coral. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: see No. 372 of Quackenbush Word List.

rengita   emaciated. Source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Category: Health & Body Parts.  For further information: see No. 93 of Quackenbush Word List.

reniere   noun. place. Source: David Sapio 2001.

renieri mot   noun. chair (place to sit).

repei   noun. place name: Tobi Island. A place name on Tobi Island recorded by Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, Category: Location.

repei   noun. children's cemetery for those who lacked teeth at death. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.102. Sketch by E. Kramer. Category: Location.

repeiteitei   noun. place: named plot of land on Tobi Island. Source: Tobi Island: Fourteen house owners of 1908-1910 recorded by members of the Thilenius Expedition. Category: Location.

ret   Variant spelling red; reti. noun. squirrelfish. Audio: Marcus Hangaripaii; source: Peter W. Black 1968; variant: R.E. Johannes, David Sapio. Note: Johannes has this fish as red; Black as ret. It seems likely it is the same fish. Holocentridae: Myripristis sp.. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).  For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  Tobian Fish List: F0046.

retet   in the sea. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004.

reyu   noun. reef stonefish. Audio: Justin Andrew; source: R.E. Johannes. Note: Stonefish and a variety of other fish are called reyu, referring to the sedentary habits of these species. Scorpaenidae: Synanceia verrucosa. Category: Sea Creatures.   For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  Tobian Fish List: F0051.

ri   of.

riaka   noun. cart. Note: Justin says this word is what was always used on Tobi to refer to the two-wheeled carts that were used for copra collection and other uses. Source: Justin H. Andrew 2016.

rib   noun. hole. Peitarong pesipesira rani rib. Throw the garbage in the hole. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.

ribar   noun. grave (for children). Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See:  ribe. 09/Dec/2016.

ribauh   noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ribe   noun. twin birth. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts.  For further information: see No. 405 of Quackenbush Word List.

ribe   noun. grave. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. See:  riberib. 25/Jul/2016.

riberib   verb. to bury. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Moanae eriberib war. He is burying the fertilizer. See:  ribe.

ribong    16/Jan/2015. See:  nibong.

riborot   noun. liana. Canavalia cathartica Thou.. Category: Plants & Trees, Health & Body Parts. For further information: Fourteen Medicinal Recipes from Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

richo   Variant spelling richoh; rits; riich. noun. coconut syrup. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; variant: Isauro Andrew 2006, David Sapio 2001. Category: Food, Plants & Trees.  For further information: Fourteen Medicinal Recipes from Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).  For further information: see No. 425 of Quackenbush Word List.

richoh   noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures, Fishing. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ricocoraing   noun. bird: small black bird. Source: Nixon Andrew 2015. Note: in Palauan, this bird is chesiswalik Category: Birds.

riengah   noun. bird: whimbrel. Source: Dominic Emilio, Francis Victor 2000.Numenius phaeopus. Category: Birds.


riengak   noun. bird: Swinhoe's snipe. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Source: mangoverde.com. gallinaga megala. Category: Birds.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment. 


riepeh   noun. adze blade with straight cutting edge. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004.For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.197. See:  woor. Category: Canoes.  

Old adze blades made from giant clams: 10 cm long; 12 cm long, 7 cm wide; 14 cm long, 8 cm wide; 16 cm long, 9 cm wide; 12.5 cm long.

rif   nightcrawling. Source: David Sapio 2001.

rihiti   verb. to discard; to leave it behind. Source: David Sapio 2001. See:  peitaroh; peipeiroh.

rihosobu   noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

riie   verb. to kill it. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. Note: According to Isauro, feiin is similar to riie but more like murder and not commonly used except for people. See:  feiin; riri.

rikerivongar   noun. place name: Tobi Island. A place name on Tobi Island recorded by Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, Category: Location. 09/Dec/2016.

rikirakaman   noun. place name: Tobi Island. An abandoned settlement on the south east of Tobi Island recorded by Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, Category: Location.

rimachau   five: counting flat things. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.

rimafas   five: counting round things. Rimafas chehei ma fafas fas. Five eggs and four stones. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.

rimapa   five: counting groups. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.

rimaru   five: counting people and creatures. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.  For further information: see No. 544 of Quackenbush Word List.

rimau   five: counting long things. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.

rimefiye   five: counting uncountable. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006.

rimehiyong   Variant spelling rimehiyengo. noun. yellowtail blue snapper. Audio: Justin Andrew. Source: Peter W. Black 1968; David Sapio. Paracaesio xanthura (Bleeker, 1869). Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

rimeih   fifty: base counting. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.  For further information: see No. 533 of Quackenbush Word List.

rimobong   five: counting time. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.

rimopou   five: counting pieces. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Category: Counting & Numbers.

rimoton    See:  tat. Category: Sea Creatures.

rimotong   noun. Portuguese man of war: a siphonophore, an animal made up of a colony of organisms working together. Audio & source: Sisma Andrew 2013.Physalia physalis. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: see No. 495 of Quackenbush Word List.

 rimotong [Photo: O.S.F./Animals Animals].

rimouo   Variant spelling rimou. five: base counting. Audio & source: Isauro Andrew 2006; variant David Sapio 2001. Category: Counting & Numbers. For further information: see No. 524 of Quackenbush Word List.

ringetohor   Variant spelling euougmelam. new moon. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910, variant: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Nature.

ripapa   noun. cornetfish; mimic. Audio: Justin Andrew. Note: Ripapa means mimic and reportedly refers to the similarity of ripapa and needlefish. Fistularidae: Fistularia sp.. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names) (Robert E. Johannes) (Draft).  Tobian Fish List: F0048.

ripau   noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

riperiecho   noun. Day Fishing Method 28; fish. Category: Sea Creatures, Fishing.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ripohou   knowledgeable. Source: Paulina Theodore 2014.

riri   verb. to kill. Yahamat eriri mar ba mangau. Man kills animals for food. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See:  riie; feiin.

ritaiyur   verb. to retire. Source: Peter W. Black, Justin Andrew, Huan Hosei 2005. Retirement? In 2005, Peter asked about the Tobian word for retirement. Justin Andrew: Pete, there is no such word. People work all their lives and retire when they are frail and too weak to move around. Sounds like a very hard and labor intense life but it is not. Can we invent one?? Or how about a phrase that tells the idea about "retire." For me it would be "ba isa mouri tuhufai, ebe iramo ye yai fiteh ba irou yasemei yamo," meaning literally, "I'm old and I should stop working so I could rest." Huan Hosei: Retire—to me there is no concise meaning of the word. The word "retire" and its meaning is foreign to Pacific Islanders. Here are some definitions: "Emoripou bongur ma masirapar yai kauh har wetsir sukur," meaning I am a retired teacher. "Emiripou bongur ma masirapar yai fiteh," meaning service retirement, have met required number of years of work, therefore I am no longer working. "Emoripou bongur ma masirapar yai fitehingeri koferment," meaning I am retired/service retirement with the government.

ritetifach   Variant spelling ritetifats. noun. mangrove red snapper. Source: Peter W. Black 1968; variant: David Sapio. Note: David Sapio's Tobian Fish Names identifies this fish as a one-spot grouper, lutjanus monostigmus Category: Sea Creatures. Lutjanus argentimaculatus. For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

 ritetifach. [Photo: Fishbase, G.R. Allen]. 

ritobuhaha   noun. bait; spider web. See:  pa; parih. Category: Fishing.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

riuon   name: old Tobian proper name.

riweits   young, small; skull; students. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Health & Body Parts.

riwerengiribech   dry (hot) season. Ebe bito ifir riwerengira ebech. He will come in the dry season. Audio & source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See:  riwerengirut. Category: Calendar, Nature.

riwerengirut   rainy season. Erap ut riwerengie ihara. It has rained a lot this rainy season. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See:  riwerengiribech. Category: Calendar, Nature.

riyouheng   name: old Tobian proper name.

roau   noun. lagoon. Epet roauye. The lagoon is not deep. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006; Sisma Andrew 2013. Note: Sisma Andrew says there is no Tobian word for lagoon. Category: Nature.  For further information: see No. 359 of Quackenbush Word List.

rofiti   noun. finest grated coconut. Source: Justin Andrew 2015 (from Isauro Andrew). Category: Food, Plants & Trees.

rogutsari   noun. place name: Tobi Island. An abandoned settlement on the east of Tobi Island recorded by Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, Category: Location.

roh   noun. hard stem of coconut frond. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Plants & Trees.

roke   name: old Tobian proper name.

rom   noun. liquor; rum. Borrowed from: English (rum). Source: Domiciano Andrew, 2013. Marcus Hangaripaii gives meaning as rum borrowed from English.

romohoh   noun. basket. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2014

romohparuh   Variant spelling ramohparuhe. noun. name: the discoverer and first ruler of Tobi; title transmitted from mother to daughter. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004. Note: Isauro Andrew says that romohparuh is the approved spelling instead of variants of ramohparuhe.  See:  ramohparuhe.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

romorom   sound: the sound made by something shaken inside a hard object, e.g., a coconut. Source: Justin Andrew 2015. Category: Plants & Trees.

rong   Variant spelling ran. noun. fly.  Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006, 2013. Variant: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. Category: Land Creatures.   For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  For further information: see No. 504 of Quackenbush Word List.

rongoninieremot   noun. short lengthwise outrigger brace. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.

roni teringar   noun. ear canal. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.

ronibaut   noun. nostril. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.

roraparap   noun. wave. See:  yahu; nunda; rabatut. Category: Nature.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

roromeng   verb. to remember.  Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009.  For further information: see No. 169 of Quackenbush Word List.

roroparap   noun. wave: swell. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47.  Category: Nature.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.

roryang   noun. arrow. Audio & source: Isauro Andrew 2010.

rosario   noun. rosary. Borrowed from: Spanish. Audio and source: Paulina Theodore 2004. Category: Borrowed Words.

rot   noun. canoe part: large lattice between the 1st and 2nd lengthwise outrigger brace. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.

roubah   Variant spelling rabeh. noun. name: clan mother of hawereye (from Wolei).  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

rrah   fast. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See:  harhuh.  For further information: see No. 119 of Quackenbush Word List.

rueis   noun. youth. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

ruh   Variant spelling rög; düy. noun. coconut. Savas ruh One coconut. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013; variants: Augustin Krämer, Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.Category: Plants & Trees, Food.  

 ruh [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2014].

ruh masoh   coconut: harder than young coconut. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Plants & Trees.

ruh tot   young coconut. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Plants & Trees.

ruha   calm sea. Category: Nature.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ruhabung   name: old Tobian proper name.

ruheri feifir   noun. old woman. Source: Peter W. Black 2015.

ruheri mar   Variant spelling irekeri mar.  noun. old man.  Source: Peter W. Black 2015; Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

ruheri panuh   noun. place name: babeldaob. Source: Peter W. Black 2015. Borrowed from: Palauan (Babeldaob). Category: Location, Borrowed Words.

ruhh   Variant spelling ruhu. noun. body. Source: David Sapio 2001. See:  posuts; poos. Category: Health & Body Parts.

ruhorugh   Variant spelling ruhoruho. noun. fish. Category: Sea Creatures.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).

ruhuh   noun. rumor. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See:  ramachah. Category: Conflict.

ruhungosor   name: old Tobian proper name.

ruhur   house area; the grounds of the house. Source: Paulina Theodore 2014.

ruhuru hoch   noun. reef edge. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004. See:  iakiag. Category: Nature.

ruing   admitted to hospital. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2006. Category: Health & Body Parts. See:  taing.

ruiutseri   noun. place: named plot of land on Tobi Island. Source: Tobi Island: Fourteen house owners of 1908-1910 recorded by members of the Thilenius Expedition. Category: Location.

rukereparibon   noun. midnight. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. Category: Calendar.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.

rukurarimar   noun. place name: old Tobian place name. Source: One of eleven inhabited settlements on Tobi Island recorded by Paul Hambruch of the Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Location.

rukurarimar   noun. place name: Tobi Island. A place name on Tobi Island recorded by Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, Category: Location. 09/Dec/2016.

rumei   noun. my drink. Source: David Sapio 2001. Category: Food.

rupak   honorific: respected elder male. Borrowed from: Palauan. Source: Peter W. Black, 2014.

rur   verb. to drink. Sibe rur char. We will drink water. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. See:  ruru.

ruru   drink [classifier]. Audio and source: Sisma Andrew 2013. See:  rur.

rut   noun. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See rut verb.

rut   verb. to jump. Audio and source: Nemecio Andrew 2012. ruteh jumped. See:  nunut.  For further information: see No. 229 of Quackenbush Word List.

ruu somer   noun. oblique-banded snapper. Source: David Sapio.Pristipomoides zonatus (Valenciennes, 1830). Category: Sea Creatures.

 ruu somer [Photo: J.E. Randall, Fishbase].

ruuh   outer layer of anything. Source: Isauro Andrew 2009. See:  hin yahamat.  For further information: see No. 16 of Quackenbush Word List.

ruuh   noun. canoe: the center. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2004.See:  haau; hau. Category: Canoes.  For further information: Fishing Lore of Tobi (Peter W. Black 1968).  See: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter W. Black 2004).

 ruuh [Photo: Peter W. Black 2004].

ruur   verb. to drink. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009.  For further information: see No. 79 of Quackenbush Word List.

ruwe   the coconut we know. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2006. Note: Noun endings: we is one of 3 noun endings. For more information, see Vocabulary: Noun Endings