Tobian Fish List Tobian Fish Chart
Trolling—Hatohobei Style by Justin Andrew. Journal of Micronesian Fishing, Spring 2009. Page 9. The photograph of Jesse Andrew and John Mario was taken in Saipan when Justin, Jesse, and John were taking the sailing canoe out for a test drive.
The Fishing Lore of Tobi Island by Peter W. Black based on information given him by Nemesio Hatokuchi Mohoriparimaso, Matias Kuro Chorngeheng, Esobio Chiheihi, Santos Horisan Manifaramau, Patricio Mohorihotimoh, and Felix Hangeyaro Andrew, on Tobi Island in 1968.
Kite Fishing in Palau by Wayne J. Baldwin. Kitelines 1(3): 3, 32, 39. Fall 1977. It contains photographs of Patris Tachemaremacho taken from R.E. Johannes book, Words of the Lagoon. Dave Sapio sent us this article.
Man and Fish on Tobi: Culture, Nature and the Sea’s Bounty in a Western Caroline Society. XIV Pacific Science Congress. Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R., August, 1979. 51 pp. Draft. Written in 1977; lightly edited in 2005. Descriptions of Tobian daily ilfe, society and culture in this paper refer to the period between the end of the Second World War and the end of the 1970s.
Beasley, Harry G. Fish Hooks. Pacific Islands Records. London: Sealey, Service and Co., Ltd., 1928. Drawings, photographs, and discussion of Tobian fish hooks and their comparison with other Pacific Island hooks.
Black, Peter and R.E. Johannes. Fishing in the South West Islands. In Words of the Lagoon: Fishing and Marine Lore in the Palau District of Micronesia. Robert Johannes. Pp. 85-100. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. A chapter built on fishing data collected by Black.
Nettle, Daniel and Suzanne Romaine. Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World's Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Selected pages on Tobi language, fish, and fish hooks (from Johannes).R.E. Johannes. A Review of Information on the Subsistence Use of Green and Hawskbill Sea Turtles on Islands Under United States Jurisdiction in the Western Pacific Ocean. National Marine Fisheries Service Administrative Report SWR-86-2, January 1986. Pp. 10-11.
Robert E. Johannes. Tobian Fish Dictionary (Fish with their Tobian, English, & Latin Names).
Motoo Inoue. Tuna Spawning Survey in the Tropical Sea Made by R/V Tokaidaigaku Maru II and R/V Bosei Maru. In Proceedings of the Third Japan-Soviet Joint Symposium on Aquaculture, November 1974, Tokyo, Japan. Sigeru Motoda, ed. Pp. 173-180. Tokyo: Tokai University, 1977. Reports on tuna spawning survey; mentions Tobi. English and Japanese. Selected pages.
Southwest beach with large canoe, canoe house, and fish traps.
Photograph by A. Kramer. Eilers, 1936: plate 6.
Night fishing with canoe.
Photograph by Peter W. Black, 1973.![]()
Here are some pictures of a tackle box made from breadfruit wood by Felix Andrew in 1967. Using a heated screwdriver we burned an image of a tuna onto the inside of the cover and my name (PWB) on the outside. These boxes are waterproof. The photo of the end of the box shows how the top fits onto the bottom.
Photographs by Barbara W. Black, 2000.![]()
Fishhooks made from hawksbill turtleshell by Chief Marino. And to their right is a turtleshell ready to be turned into fishhooks (collected before it became illegal).
Photographs by Barbara W. Black, 2000.
Jane Barnwell saw a Tobian fish hook necklace in the Auckland Museum. It is from the Edge-Partington collection, a valuable and extensive ethnographic collection of approximately 2,500 objects from the Pacific. James Edge-Partington made three trips through the Pacific in the late 19th century and also collected material from private collections in Europe. The Auckland Museum acquired the collection in 1924 from London and the necklace appears to be the only Tobian object in the collection. The accession card reads - Description: Turtleshell Fish-hook; Reg. No: 14550; Locality: Lord North's Island, W. Carolines; Presented: Dr TW Leys Memorial; Remarks: E.P. Coll. F2; 4 ply line of coir covered with plaited leaf.
Tobian trolling lure. Figure 6, page 123. In Words of the Lagoon: Fishing and Marine Lore in the Palau District of Micronesia. Robert Johannes. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.
Updated: December 28, 2020