Tobian Fish List

Tobian Name Audio
English Name Latin Name
(from Johannes)
R.E. Johannes Tobian Fish Dictionary Annotations Image Listed on
Fish Chart
F0001 Paho
Marcus Shark Squaliformes Paho is the general term for sharks and means "smelling of excrement" referring to the strong smell of many shark species.   yes Marcus says this word should be pahou. Sebas thinks it should be spelled pohowo. Justin agrees with Sebas on this—pohowo seems right to him.
F0002 Paho raur horfat (Johannes) Marcus Shark Squaliformes An unidentified species of shark.      
F0003 Matar (Johannes) Marcus Requiem sharks: black-tip shark Squaliformes: carcharhinidae:
Quoy Gaimard Image yes  
F0004 Echarivus
Marcus Requiem sharks:
white-tip shark
Squaliformes: carcharhinidae: triaenodon obesus Echarivus comes from words meaning "always bites stone" and refers to the tendency of the ocean white tip to bite at the stone weights used by dropline fishermen outside the reef. Image    
F0005 Echabor (Johannes) Marcus Requiem sharks: ocean-black-tip Squaliformes: carcharhinidae: carcharhinus limbatus Valenciennes Image    
F0006 Sauop (Johannes) Marcus Hammerhead sharks Shyraendidae: Sphyma sp.   Image    

Sabacho (Johannes)

Marcus Nurse sharks and carpet sharks Orectolobidae: Sabacho comes from words meaning sleep and awkward, referring to the ungainly swimming motion of this shark and to its habit of resting motionless on the bottom. Sabacho probably Stegostoma tigrinum Bonnaterre, Leopard shark. Image   FOTI believes this may be the Zebra shark (see image) since Stegostoma is the family name and the common name is either zebra or leopard shark.

Fai (Johannes)


Marcus Rays Rajiformes

Fai, meaning flat, is the general name for rays.

Rajiformes is the order for skates and rays.


This image is a roughtail stingray

How to tell a skate from a ray.

F0009 Fayhiyab (Johannes) Marcus Rays: Eagle Rays: Spotted Eagle Rays Rajiformes: Myliobatidae: Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen) Fayhiyab means flat, concave and is probably Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen) Image    
F0010 Rabut (Johannes) Marcus Eels Anguilliformes Rabut is the general name for all eels and also sea snakes. Image   This image is a guess by FOTI to illustrate Rabut.
F0011 Rabut tuchor (Johannes) Marcus Black eels Anguilliformes Predominantly black eels are called Rabut tuchor. Image   This image (Anguilla australis australis, shortfin eel) is a guess by FOTI to illustrate Rabut tuchor.
F0012 Rabut bech (Johannes) Marcus White eels Anguilliformes Predominantly white eels are called Rabut bech. Image   This image (Anguilla australis schmidti) is a guess by FOTI to illustrate Rabut bech.

Rabut sangi (Johannes)

Marcus Mixed colored eels Anguilliformes Eels of mottled or mixed colors are called Rabut sangi. Image   This image (Anguilla marmorata, giant mottled eel) is a guess by FOTI to illustrate Rabut sangi.
F0014 Reemangengae
Marcus Snake eels Ophichthidae Reemangengae comes from words meaning black, crooked, and stripes.

Reemangengae is probably Myrichthys colubrinus (Boddaert), Harlequin snake eel.
Image   FOTI hopes this is an image of Reemangengaebut could be wrong.
F0015 Tirihan (Johannes)
Marcus Herrings Clupeidae Tirihan (meaning small bait fish) is a small schooling fish that periodically appears outside the reef at Tobi. Judging from its description, it is a herring with rather large scales. Image yes This image of Clupeidae is a guess by FOTI to illustrate Tirihan.
F0016 Yengap
Marcus Anchovies Engraulidae Yengab (or Hangap) is the family name for anchovies. Image yes This image of a Pacific anchovy is a guess by FOTI to illustrate Yengap.
F0017 Siyefahchairen
Justin Lizard fish Synodontidae.
Synodus spp.
F0018 Usurifarfma (Johannes) Marcus Frog fish Antennariidae Usurifarfma comes from words meaning slow and drifting log and refers to a species of frogfish found associated with drifting logs in the open ocean. Image   Marcus spelled this: usurifari ma.
F0019 Yauh
Marcus Mullet Muglidae Yauh is the general name for mullets. Image   Johannes spelled this Yaoh but Yauh is more common. Image of a common mullet.
F0020 Yauh Her (Johannes) Marcus Mullet:Fringelip Muglidae: Crenimugilis crenilabis (Forskal) Johannes notes this is a probable identification. Image    
F0021 Pouchor Yauh (Johannes) Marcus Mullet: ? Muglidae: ? Unidentified mullet.   yes Fish Chart: Yaugh er poucham (yauh)
F0022 Tirimee (Johannes) Marcus Mullet: ? Muglidae: ? Unidentified mullet.      
F0023 Yauh Siyabo (Johannes) Marcus Mullet: ? Muglidae: ? Unidentified mullet.   yes Fish Chart: Yaugh er Siabo (yauh)
F0024 Bauh
Marcus Barracuda Shyraenidae: barracude (Walbaum) Bauh (baoh) refers to barracudas in general as well as being applied specifically to the largest species. The word means bad smell. Image yes Johannes spelled this baoh.
F0025 Bauh: suhowo
Marcus Barracuda: smaller unidentified species Shyraenidae: Suhowo and merifuts both mean dangerous, according to Johannes.   yes Probably the same as Baugh: Sahau on Fish Chart.
F0026 Bauh: merifuts
Marcus Barracuda: smaller unidentified species Shyraenidae: Suhowo and merifuts both mean dangerous, according to Johannes.   yes Probably the same as Baugh: Marufach on Fish Chart.
F0027 Mangah (Johannes) Marcus Flying fishes Exoetidae Mangah means food and refers to any flying fish more than about 6 inches long.   yes Note that there are two mangahs: one the flying fish and one not.


Pouchor Mangah (Johannes)


Marcus Flying fish:Cosmopolitan flying fish Exocoetus volitans Linnaeus Pouchor means dark hand and refers to the dark pectoral fins of this fish. Image*   Pouchor the flying fish is distinguished from Pouchor Yauh, the mullet, by adding the general term for flying fish, mangah, when context doesn't make it clear.
F0029 Hon
Marcus Flying fish: a small unidentified species Exoetidae:? Hon means fish food and refers to this species used as bait.   yes  
F0030 Pauchacha
Marcus Flying fish: pug-nosed flying fish Prognichthys gibbifrons (Valenciennes)   Image*   A probable identification.
F0031 Paumeheng
Marcus Flying fish:spotted flying fish and greater spotted flying fish Cypsellurus Poecilopterus (Valenciennes) and Cypsellurus atrisignis Jenkins Meheng means mixed together and refers to two species with spotted pectoral fins that are known as distinct but difficult to differentiate. Image*
F0032 Fra: Tewari Pasuohung (Johannes) Marcus Halfbeak: ? Hemirhamphidae Tewari pasuohung means good eaing, loosely.     Family name: Fra. Justin never heard this word.
F0033 Fra: Mari Pasuohung (Johannes) Marcus Halfbeak: black tipped garfish Hemirhamphidae: Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Ranzani)   Image   Family name: Fra. Justin never heard this word.
F0034 Mahi: Mahirobut (Johannes) MarcusMarcus
Needlefish: Belonidae Mahi means necklace—needlefish are often strung like beads when caught instead of being piled in a basket like other fish. Mahirobut refers to any species found on the reef in shallow water and comes from words meaning necklace and outside.   yes Mahirobut is the most important species caught outside the reef using the famous breadfruit kite and spider web lure. See Day Fishing Method 23: Hachaiho.

F0034a Mahi: Hofireiha
  Needlefish:   Baby Mahi.   yes  
F0035 Mahi: Maharimataw (Johannes)
Mahi toh (Black)
Marcus Needlefish: keel-jawed Belonidae: Thalassosteus appendiculatus (Klunzinger) Johannes notes this is a probable identification.   yes Mahi toh and Maharimataw are probably the same fish.
F0036 Mor (Johannes) Marcus
Squirrelfish: Holocentridae: The general name for squirrelfish, mor (loosely translated) means in mourningreferring to mor's habit of hiding during the day. Image yes  
F0037 Mor:Ngusngus (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish: ? Holocentridae: Johannes notes this is an unidentified species; the name is onomatopoetic and describes the sound the fish makes when disturbed.      
F0038 Mor:Huhuvahata (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish:? Holocentridae:
Holocentrus sp.
Johannes notes this fish is called hu when small.      
F0039 Mor:Tatahbur (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish:? Holocentridae: Johannes notes this is an unidentified species with two or three dark vertical bands. Tatahbur means like a belt.   yes Black gives this as tatah bur.
F0040 Mor:Saha (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish:spiny squirrelfish Holocentridae: spinifer (Forskal)   Image yes Image used with permission of John E. Randall, FishBase Collaborator.
F0041 Mor:Yetoh (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish:black-
finned squirrelfish
Holocentrus operculare (Valenciennes)
F0042 Mor:Yarifera
Marcus Squirrelfish:blood-
spotted squirrelfish
Holocentrus sammara (Forskal)
Johannes notes this is a probable identification.      
F0043 Mor:Chimesogi
Marcus Squirrelfish: Holocentridae:
Holocentrus sp.
    yes Marcus believes this is chimoso. Black has it as chimosou.
F0044 Mor:Marutacham (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish: Holocentridae: Myripristis sp.        
F0045 Mor:Martamiich (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish: Holocentridae: Myripristis sp.     yes Marcus has it as mortamuch. Black has it as martamuch.
F0046 Mor:Red (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish: Holocentridae: Myripristis sp.     yes Black has this as ret.
F0047 Mor:Tapekang (Johannes) Marcus Squirrelfish: Holocentridae: Myripristis sp.        
F0048 Ripapa (Johannes) Justin Cornetfish: Fistularidae: Fistularia sp. Ripapa means mimic and reportedly refers to the similarity of ripapa and needlefish.      
F0049 Pohijarifos (Johannes) Justin Pipefish/
  Pohijarifos is the general name for both pipefish and seahorses.     See pohoya cherifos; Isauro thought this could be another word for seahorse.
F0050 Warugar
Warugar (lionfish) is the name of a type of woven decorated woman's skirt and refers to the colorful elongate fin spines of the lionfish. Rariworong, another name for lionfish, is the name of a tree from which medicine is made to treat lionfish stings.     See entry at Ichthyology at the Florida Museum of Natural History
F0051 Reyu
Justin Reef stonefish Scorpaenidae:
Synanceia verrucosa
Stonefish and a variety of related fish are called reyu, meaning lazy, referring to the sedentary habits of these species. Image**   See entry at Cook Islands Biodiversity website.
F0052 Siyavapaho (Johannes) Justin Flathead

Platycephalus sp.

Johannes notes that siyavapaho means "big long mouth like a shark." Image   See Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
F0053 Tobian not determined (Johannes)   Flying Gurnard Dactylopteridae Johannes notes that Tobians recognize images of a flying gurnard but could not recall its Tobian name. Image**   See entry at Cook Islands Biodiversity website.
F0054 Hauborap (Johannes) Justin Cardinalfish Apogonidae: Hauborap means "no [particular] hook" referring to the ease of catching these small fish on any type of hook.      
F0055 Bwurra
Justin Grouper: Serranidae: Bwurra or Bwere (as Black has it) refers to a group of predominantly red serranids among the fish often caught using Day Fishing Method 19: Bwere.   yes See also Day Fishing Method 20: Fasuwoh Re Bwere.
F0056 Hari
  Grouper: Serranidae: Johannes notes that hari means, loosely, takes any bait and refers to a group of multi-colored serranids (including bwurra).      

*Image from FAO Species Identification & Data Programme
**Image from Cook Islands Biodiversity Database

Updated: September 1, 2020