G - g

gaeteratsin   noun. comb: wooden. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

gafereiika   noun. belone (small); needlefish. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. See:  hofireiha (mahi); maharimataw (mahi); mahi; mahi toh; mahirobut (mahi). For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment    Category: Sea Creatures.

  gafereiika. [Photo: Christian Grill (Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0). https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32015793]. 

gagagag   noun. sap (used as makeup) (trionfettia). Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment   Category: Plants & Trees.

gagaitsor   noun. bird: black heron. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. ardeidae. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment   Category: Birds.

gagao   Variant spelling hahäut. noun. bird: heron. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910; variant: Franz Hellwig. ardeidae. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment   Category: Birds.

gagaubes   noun. bird: white heron. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. ardeidae. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment   Category: Birds.

gans   Variant spelling gosugos. noun. mast. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter W. Black 2004).   Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.

gapir   noun. keel. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. For further information: Canoe Parts (Isauro Andrew, Peter W. Black 2004).   Category: Canoes. 09/Dec/2016.   

gapiripinnipewy   Variant spelling hapirpin; hapiripinpou. noun. elbow. Audio and source: Isauro Andrew 2009; variant: Sisma Andrew 2013; Felicia Andrew 2013. Note: While Isauro did not update Quackenbush's spelling for this word, Sisma spelled it as hapirpin. Felicia spelled it as hapiripinpou. See:  hapirpin.  For further information: see No. 6 of Quackenbush Word List.  Category: Health & Body Parts.

gapitiki   noun. property (of a man). Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

gar   noun. water hole. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment    Category: Nature.

gar   Variant spelling har. noun. tree bough. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910; variant: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment   Category: Plants & Trees.

gar roat   noun. pupil of the eye. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.

garekuk   noun. shield: for spear battle. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

garinemog   noun. place: named plot of land on Tobi Island. Source: Tobi Island: Fourteen house owners of 1908-1910 recorded by members of the Thilenius Expedition. Category: Location.

garingemog   Variant spelling farikir; fagep. noun. place name: old Tobian place name. Source: One of eleven inhabited settlements on Tobi Island recorded by Paul Hambruch of the Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Location.

gasogosog   noun. village. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.

gataf   noun. flying fish. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. See:  pouchor; pouchor mangah; hon; mangah; paumeheng; pauchacha.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  Category: Sea Creatures.

gataik   witness. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.

gatam   Variant spelling xratom. noun. door; door hole. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, p.156.

           Sketch of family houses by P. Hambruch. (1) post, suy. (2) board for bed mat, pin. (3) large box, bots. (4) bed, pasobos (bosobos). (5) door, xratom (gatam). (6) box cover or bowl (?). (7) supply cupboard, iani bots.

gatavas   noun. well walls. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

gats   noun. slingshot: stone. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

geibikaf   noun. thief. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. 09/Dec/2016.

geisas   noun. terminalia. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.terminalia catappa.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  Category: Plants & Trees.


geleneiafit   noun. place: named plot of land on Tobi Island. Source: Tobi Island: Fourteen house owners of 1908-1910 recorded by members of the Thilenius Expedition. Category: Location.

gene   noun. funeral celebration. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

gepie   noun. old coconut smashed in the middle. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Plants & Trees.

gerais   noun. small basket. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

gipoi   noun. fire fan. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. . See:  hipoi; hipou.

gipoi from 1908-1910 [Eilers, 1936: plate 4]. hipoi from 1968 [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2017]

girina   noun. bird: sandpiper. Source: Franz Hellwig, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. scolopacidae. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  Category: Birds.

gokom   noun. game. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

gomag   noun. attic: space. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936.

googor   Variant spelling go. noun. pubic hair. Variant source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. See:  pung. For further information: see No. 21 of Quackenbush Word List.   Category: Health & Body Parts.

gotsar   noun. hernandia. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.hernandia.   For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  Category: Plants & Trees.


guava   noun. guava. Borrowed from: English: guava. Source: Preliminary list of plants commonly mentioned by Tobians as being medicinal (Aunchalee Loscalzo 2005). psidium guava (myrtaceae). Category: Plants & Trees, Health & Body Parts, Borrowed Words.

 guava [Photo: Barbara W. Black 2017].

gueuei   noun. top of foot. Source: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.

gumuoda pisitete   noun. peelings. Source: Elisabeth Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Plants & Trees.

gutsou   noun. rain cloud. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910; variant: Paul Hambruch, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936, pp. 40-47. See:  hotso; hochau.  For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  Category: Nature.

gutuf   noun. saliva. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910. For further information: Anneliese Eilers, Westkarolinen: Tobi und Ngulu. Ergebnisse der Sudsee-expedition 1908-1910 (II B9, Part I.). G. Thilenius, ed. Hamburg: Friederichsen, De Gruyter & Co. m.b.H., 1936. Category: Health & Body Parts. 09/Dec/2016.

güg   noun. fagraea. Source: Augustin Krämer, Thilenius Expedition, 1908-1910.fagraea ceilanica. For more information: Thilenius Expedition Word Lists for Fauna, Flora, and the Environment.  Category: Plants & Trees.
