Vocabulary: Counting
Base counting words
Counting flat things
Counting long things
Counting groups/bunches
Counting people
Counting pieces
Counting round things
Counting time
Counting the uncountable

Language in Use

Base counting words by Isauro Andrew
Koror, Palau, July-August 2006.
Use for counting numbers or things such as
house, island, rock island, age in years, months.
Use for counting hours, months, years.
Use for counting piles or bunches of food, mouye, divided among people.

Tobian Audio English Contributed Comments/Examples/Sources
sewo Isauro one Isauro Andrew  
huwou Isauro two Isauro Andrew  
soruo Isauro three Isauro Andrew  
fauwo Isauro four Isauro Andrew  
rimouo Isauro five Isauro Andrew  
worouo Isauro six Isauro Andrew  
fisuo Isauro seven Isauro Andrew  
waruo Isauro eight Isauro Andrew  
tiwouo Isauro nine Isauro Andrew  
seih Isauro ten Isauro Andrew  
seih ma sewo Isauro eleven Isauro Andrew Eleven is seih plus one—hence, seih ma sewo
seih ma huwou Isauro twelve Isauro Andrew seih plus two—hence, seih ma huwou
seih ma soruo   thirteen Isauro Andrew  
seih ma fauwo   fourteen Isauro Andrew  
seih ma rimouo   fifteen Isauro Andrew  
seih ma worouo   sixteen Isauro Andrew  
seih ma fisuo   seventeen Isauro Andrew  
seih ma waruo   eighteen Isauro Andrew  
seih ma tiwouo   nineteen Isauro Andrew  
huheih Isauro twenty Isauro Andrew  
huheih ma sewo   twenty-one Isauro Andrew  
seriho Isauro thirty Isauro Andrew  
faih Isauro forty Isauro Andrew  
rimeih Isauro fifty Isauro Andrew  
woreih Isauro sixty Isauro Andrew  
fisih Isauro seventy Isauro Andrew  
warih Isauro eighty Isauro Andrew  
tiweih Isauro ninety Isauro Andrew  
subuhuh Isauro one hundred Isauro Andrew  

Updated: October 5, 2006