Photos 1 - 6
Photos 7 - 14

PHOTO # 1 Shows two figures (9 ¼ and 13 ½ inches respectively). The protruding stomache, bulging breasts and defined eyebrows are characteristic of Ngulu frogman figures and this style of carving is thought to be related to fertility . Ulithi produces similar blocky figures, but the style is better exemplified by figure 3.

PHOTO # 2 Shows two figures (5 ¼ inches) -similar figures are known to have been carved on Lamotrek and Satawal.

PHOTO # 3 (5 ¾ inches) This very popular and common style (predominates in collections of Peabody and Fowler Museums) is considered to have originated on Ulithi, but was also carved by (Ulithi?) carvers on Palau and Yap, and other outlying islands near Yap through the 1980s.

PHOTO# 4 (7 ¾, 6 ¾, 6 ½, 6 ½) These early carvings have Palauan style elements similar to the Dilukai figure (note peg like ears, triangular mons) and were carved during the Japanese period through just after WWII.

PHOTO #5 (6 inches, 4 ½ inches) These Paiauan carvings are probably an adaptation of the original Tobi style figure. However, similar figures were also carved in Sonsoral and Satawan.

PHOTO #6 (10 ½ inches) This characteristic carving from Satawan in the Mortlocks was probably collected in the early part of the century. Note the detailed eyebrows which evoke the Mortlock Islands breadfruit mask.

PHOTO # 7 (6 inches, 6 ¾ inches) exhibits unique eye shape and body format, as well as absent mouth. One Tobi carver, Patricio Tahimaremaho was known to produce this style in 1968.

Photo # 8 (4 , 5 ½ inches) These interesting figures were collected by the famous botanist Frances Raymond Fosberg sometime between the 1930s and 1950s. The fattened shins, distinct brow ridges and pursed lips seem to indicate a stylistic link to figure # 6, and this pair of figures probably originates from the area of Truk, possibly Satawan in the Mortlocks.

9. (6 ½) This figure, also collected by Fosberg is a variation of the style figure shown in photo # 5. Similar figures were also collected during the Japanese period, as this one may have been.

10. (11,11 ½) These standing figures were reportedly collected during the 40s. Their stance may simply reflect a whim of the carver, although the lack of mouth and inward pointing tear shaped eyes are features seen in other statues.

11. and 14 (10 ½ and 11 ½ ) These two figures share almost identical body shapes. The fat nose is found on many Sonsoral carvings. There are also similarities to the Satawan figure, # 6.

12. (13 ½ ) This double figure was probably carved in Palau and is a variation which is sometimes seen. The special significance of the piggyback stance, if any, is not known.

13. (5 ½ and 5 ¾ )These two figures, also collected by Fosberg probably represent another variation of figure # 5.