In June 29, 1973, the anthropologist Donald H. Rubinstein was carrying out ethnographic research on Fais Island in Yap.  In an interview about clan origins with Uwedog, an old man, he recorded the following information: 

"Soflacig, this clan originated on Faraulep, then moved to Sulyaep on Woleai.  When clan members came to Fais, they lived first on Peymay.  A woman of the clan married into Peymadol licholchol.   Her daughters are Marechim and Lifarpaluy.  Lifarpaluy was on a canoe bound for Yap, but went astray, and landed on Palau at a place called Hadagobey.  This canoe-load was allegedly the first group of inhabitants on this place."

Do you think Lifarpaluy is the same person as Ramoparuhe? And is >Hadagobey the same as Hatohobei?  And does this mean that people from the two small phosphate islands of Fais and Tobi are relatives?  Or does it mean that the Ramoparuhe story somehow had made its way to Fais and there become part of Fais culture? 

Here's a map showing the relative locations of Fais and Tobi.
Tobi Fais Map


Uwedog was descended from a woman named Marechim (who had the same mother as Lifarpaluy) as follows: 

Marechim married Lulae and they had a daughter Lemaraboy
Lemaraboy married Fasedlidul and they had a daughter Fayseo
Fayseo married Hafileyang and they had a daughter Ititer
Ititer married Lulae and they had a daughter Elamar
Elamar married Morolu and they had a daughter Bwalrugey
Bwalrugey married Malureg and they had a daughter Lugut
Lugut married Mogoru and they had a daughter Halchiey
Halichiey married Harong and they were the parents of Uwedog.

Now, Marachim and Lifarpaluy were sisters.  

Uwedog Geneaology
In a recent message Don Rubinstein says:   "When Uwedog gave me that
information in 1973, he was about 75-80 years old.  Figuring about 25 years
per generation, I came out with the estimate of about 1690-1700 for the birth
of Marechim and Lifapaluy. Most of the links in this genealogy are
corroborated by other genealogies I collected, so I think its pretty reliable."