From Eilers:  Part V

Supply chest and mobile chest with wooden wheels,. bay.   Mobile chest  length 144 cm; width 87 cm; height 66 cm.  Cover, uor; cover pegs, susur; long wall, pau angi; diagonal wall, piga; edge, iga tomo; wheel, tungo.  Sketch by P. Hambruch.    Eilers, 1936:  p. 164 .
Wood box or chest.  Length 71 cm; width 44 cm; height 23 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 165 .
Covered chest of breadfruit wood.  :Length 63 cm; height 28 cm; cover width 28 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 165.
Covered chest of breadfruit wood.  Bottom length 52cm,  width 21.5 cm;  cover width 32 cm, height 24 cm.    Eilers, 1936:  p. 165.
Covered chest.  Length 44 cm; width 14 cm; height 13 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 165.
Mangrove wood chest with handles.  Length 34 cm; width 19 cm; height 11 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 166.
Chest With Handles
Flat chest without number (?).  Length 34 cm; width 25 cm; height 11 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 166.
Smaller chest for jewelry or fishhooks.  Length 32 cm;  width 6.5 cm; height 13 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 166.
Small Chest
Little trapezoidal  chest.  Length 30 cm; width 15 cm at one end and 12 cm at the other; height 9 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 166.
Little Chest
Old rectangular covered chest of Calophyllum wood  (mast wood).   Length 37 cm; width 29 cm; height 26 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 167.
Wood chest with four tabs.  Length 36 cm; width 22 cm; height 12 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 167.
Hexagonal wooden box for fishhooks.  Length 12 cm; height at middle 23 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 167.
Hexagonal Box
Little wood chest.  Length 16 cm; width 6 cm; height 7 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 167.
Little wooden box for fishhooks.  Length 11-1/2 cm; width 4-1/2 cm; height 3-1/2 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 168.
Breadfruit box for fishooks, tabi meri  uor.   Length 15 cm; height 10 cm; width 9.7 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 168.
Box for Fishhooks
Box of breadfruit wood with mussel shells, tabi tabi tayul.     Height 12 cm; base 9 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 168
Little breadfruit wood box for fishhooks, apa devidiv.   Length 8.3 cm; width 5.8 cm; height 2.5 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 168.  
Little box
Little wooden box.  Length 8 cm; width 5.5 cm; height 2 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 168.
Little Box
Double box of breadfruit with cover resting on two grooves, bey.   19.5 x 28 x 4.5 cm.  Eilers, 1936:  p. 168.
Double B ox
Medium sized cylinder vessel.  Length 49 cm.   Eilers, 1936:  p. 169.

Move to Part VI