From Eilers: Part I
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NOTE:  Spelling of Tobian words is as given by Eilers. 
Question mark indicates that the translation is unclear & hence literal.

Spirit boat used as an altar in the cult house, fare kikak
Watercolor by E. Kramer.   Eilers, 1936:  plate 1.

Spirit Boat (66192 bytes)

Chart from a Spanish Atlas -  1789?.  Eilers, 1936:  page 2.
1769 Chart  (86418 bytes)

Chart of the Carolines.  Eilers, 1936:  page 34
Carolines Chart (48117 bytes)
Tobi or Kodgubi Island, from Sketch Survey on Japanese Govt. Chart of 1927.   Eilers, 1936: page 36.
1927 Chart of Tobi (32235 bytes)
Chart of Tobi, by Lorenzen, Officer of the Peiho, made on 3 September 1909.  Eilers, 1936:  page 37.
1909 Chart of Tobi  (42546 bytes)
Cross-section through the Island. Sketch by Hambruch.  Eilers, 1936:  page 37.
Hambruch Sketch  (20210 bytes)
Water hole.  Sketch by E. Kramer.  Eilers, 1936:  page 47.
Water Hole (29650 bytes)

Index of Place Names.  Sketch by P. Hambruch.  Eilers, 1936:  page 49.
Index of Place Names  (170190 bytes)
Settlement in the East.  Eilers, 1936:  page 50.
Settlement Map  (50697 bytes)
Settlement in the West.  Eilers, 1936:  page 51.
Settlement Map  (103828 bytes)
House with windscreen.  Sketch by E. Kramer.  Eilers, 1936:  page 55.
House (60878 bytes)
House with fruit rack.  Sketch by E. Kramer.  Eilers, 1936:  page 55.
House  (56302 bytes)
Types of Tobi noses by Hambruch.  Eilers, 1936:  page 59.
Tobi Noses  (11898 bytes)
Cradle.  Uraririgaya.  Sketch by E. Kramer.  Eilers, 1936:    page 99.
Cradle  (13911 bytes)
Playpen.  Meuar.  Sketch by E. Kramer.  Eilers, 1936:    page 99.
Playpen  (22034 bytes)
Taum or samorungo nen im, a hanging wooden frame with phallic posts found in the women's house, imeripar  or imega faivil.   Eilers, 1936:   page 100.
Taum  (8091 bytes)

Coffins, bay,  made of mangrove wood.  Eilers, 1936:  page 101.  
Coffin (21663 bytes)  Coffin  (11335 bytes) Coffin  (8612 bytes) Coffin  (15850 bytes)
Children's cemetery.  Sketch by E. Kramer.  Eilers, 1936:  page 102.
Children's Cemetery (139323 bytes)
Hatsinetsin.   Magical charm against theft of fruit from trees.   Eilers, 1936:   page 104.
Charm  (16411 bytes)      
Hatsinetsin.   Magical charm against theft of fruit from trees.   Eilers, 1936:   page 104.
Charn (18359 bytes)
Hatsinetsin.   Magical charm against theft of fruit from trees.   Eilers, 1936:   page 104.
Charm  (14524 bytes)
Galis.   Spirithouse.  Floor plan:  (a) front room open to everyone; (b) restricted area; (c) altar; (d) spirit boat.   Eilers, 1936:  page 107.
Spirit House 32470 bytes)
Wooden phallus for worship and dance.  Eilers, 1936:  page 113.
Wooden phallus  (6942 bytes)

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