News of the Helen Reef Project—
The Republic of Palau was represented at the Fiji Meeting [of all Country LMMA Network members held in Fiji August 11-15, 2003] by Metiek “Kimie” Ngirchechol of the Division of Marine Resources, and Wayne Andrew, Huan Hosei, and Dominic Emilio, all three of the Helen Reef Project of Hatohobei State. Ms. Ngirchechol presented the on-going work being undertaken by the Ngaremeduu Conservation Area, a project initiated by the SPREP SPBCP program. The team representing Helen Reef presented on their experience in collecting monitoring data through the LMMA Network’s Learning Framework, as well on lessons learned in implementing their project. The Helen Project plans to conduct its second round of community monitoring and apply for full membership to the Network in the near future. Both projects developed work plans related to community participation and monitoring for their respective areas and worked together to plan upcoming events in which they plan to conduct training workshops and share their experiences over the next six months.
Locally Managed Marine Area Network Newsletter
Issue 4, September 2003, p. 5