II. Description of the Islands

A. Physiography

Pulo Anna, being only 37.9 hectares in size, is the second smallest island. It has also the second smallest reef area of the six. There are seven major habitat areas on land, and only two types in the sea.

Fanna is the smallest island in the Southwest and has the least abundant reef, featuring only three sea habitats and supports the only stand of Pisonia forest in the islands.

Sonsorol, just a few kilometers from Fanna, is the largest island in the Southwest but has only the fourth most abundant reef. It has five major land types, with one of mixed forests and coconuts unique to the island. There are only three types of sea habitats.

B. Climate

C. Geology

D. Population and Culture

Amongst the islands, there are cultural and linguistic differences. Sonsorol, Merir, and Pulo Anna natives are closest in cultural practices, except the Tobians. Even linguistically, Tobians differ in dialect and wording, and Pulo Anna natives too, except that even with the dialectic difference, they could still speak comfortably with the natives from the first two islands.ii