Tobi in the Auckland Museum
Auckland War Memorial Museum
Private Bag 92018
Domain Drive
The Domain, Parnell
Auckland, New Zealand

Tel: 64.9.309.0443

1. Tobian Fish Hook Necklace, Edge-Partington collection
This collection is an extensive ethnographic collection of approximately 2,500 objects from the Pacific. James Edge-Partington made three trips through the Pacific in the late 19th century and also collected material from private collections in Europe. The Auckland Museum acquired the collection in 1924 from London and the necklace appears to be the only Tobian object in the collection.

accession card
Description: Turtleshell Fish-hook
Reg. No: 14550
Locality: Lord North's Island, W. Carolines
Presented: Dr TW Leys Memorial; Remarks: E.P. Coll. F2
4 ply line of coir covered with plaited leaf.


Updated: August 16, 2020