Tobi (Hatohobei) 2014
film by Chouette Films 2017
Tobi 2014
The video begins with Tobi, home island of the Ramari Hatohobei community, then moves on to a group of Tobian women in its daughter community 300 miles north in Echang, Koror, Palau, who are demonstrating how to make a variety of traditional baskets and discussing their use. The video ends with Helen Reef, 40 miles east of Tobi, the community’s traditional larder.
This video is from the video installation from Anna and Remi Sowa of Chouette Films in collaboration with the Endangered Languages Archive. It was created from footage from the Tobian (Ramari Hatohobei) deposit at ELAR, deposited by ELDP grantees Barbara and Peter Black.
To learn more about Tobi (Hatohobei), visit:
FOTI Films
May 29, 2020